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Regional bids

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121930.7 in reply to 121930.6
Date: 12/14/2009 11:18:34 AM
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Very true but it is the most realistic way to have more players up for sale at his time, there will never be regional players for a designate region.

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121930.8 in reply to 121930.1
Date: 12/14/2009 11:50:25 AM
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Then with supposed regional bids others would not like that they cant get as much for their players as those sellers in more populated "region" (no matter what it should be). And buyers from more populated regions wouldnt like something is cheaper elsewhere because there is not enough bidders to raise the price as much. So it doesnt have any logic.

You have your regional bids already. Only the divison is mild and based on users living in different timezones. And last but not least merchandising formulas are making some bids regional. The only hting is you can choose whatever region you want at the momment.

This Post:
121930.10 in reply to 121930.9
Date: 12/14/2009 5:49:27 PM
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I get home at 5:30pm and I go to bed at around 10pm. That gives me no time to bid on players (or almost).

and i see often player who run out there, so why not buying them when most of the bidders are a sleep ;)

This Post:
121930.11 in reply to 121930.9
Date: 12/14/2009 6:49:19 PM
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CrazyEye told you this as well, but it's worth trying to restate for you: bidding isn't restricted to when the auction ends. I've won plenty of bids while I was asleep, working, or otherwise away from the computer. You just need to be willing to make a bid at a price you can accept before someone else pushes it to that level, and willing to accept that you might get outbid while you're out.

And there are upsides to North American prime time as well... lots of free agent or retired players come up at times that are not friendly to the average European but are to us. The servers rarely if ever bog down (causing failed bids sometimes, etc.) in our prime time... when they do, it's during Europe game times.

I guess the last thing would be that things aren't going to change in this respect. So you might as well focus your energy on something else.

This Post:
121930.12 in reply to 121930.3
Date: 12/15/2009 9:00:06 AM
Le Cotiche
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Do you know what I mean ?

With the time zones AROUND THE WORLD, if a bid ends at noon EASTERN TIME (where I live) the next day, it's at least 6pm in some parts of Europe. At noon, I'm at WORK, at 6pm in Europe, most people are HOME. I get home at around 5:30pm ET (around 11:30pm in France/London, etc). At that time, people can bid on players while I'm in the bus, going home.

i have the opposite problem, a lot of free agents seem to expire at late night here in europe

This Post:
121930.13 in reply to 121930.12
Date: 12/15/2009 9:38:29 AM
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Do you know what I mean ?

With the time zones AROUND THE WORLD, if a bid ends at noon EASTERN TIME (where I live) the next day, it's at least 6pm in some parts of Europe. At noon, I'm at WORK, at 6pm in Europe, most people are HOME. I get home at around 5:30pm ET (around 11:30pm in France/London, etc). At that time, people can bid on players while I'm in the bus, going home.

i have the opposite problem, a lot of free agents seem to expire at late night here in europe

yeah they come totally random, and not user relaed in ym eyes - so this is the only unfair thing in my eyes ;)

From: Ozzy

This Post:
121930.14 in reply to 121930.1
Date: 12/15/2009 10:13:34 AM
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Regional bids - NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I really hate those games where I need to search all regions to find player on TL. It's a little bit a boring!


your solution of problem would be bidding for players that TL-period expire when you are not at work :P
That's easy! many times I set my alarm to wake me in the morning to make a bid?! :P

This Post:
121930.16 in reply to 121930.15
Date: 12/20/2009 6:45:32 PM
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Thing is, if someone bids on a player, the timer is extended. That should not happen, just like on EBAY. If it ends at 3:16am, it ends at 3:16am. I'm NOT going to wake up to bid on a player at night, I have a life.

The 3 minute extension allows for people to be made aware of the bid and to counter if necessary, and also to account for a slow Internet connection.

This isn't eBay.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
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Any four will score
Any five are live