Would that be a problem ?
Up until now, the problem still has been that players got paid too much, not the contrary

The perimeter of this tax is the most interesting part of it, for me ! :
It only concerns players with a 1rst bid too important and without outbid.
Problem 1 :
With thix tax, you'll have much often more than 1 player ready to pay the right price.
How about so much managers that juste can't afford to pay for a new good player because prices are much too important ?
How about managers that pay too much for average players ?
This is almost the definition of a period of crisis with a black market .
Problem 2 :
I don't get the point; if more players can be bought, there'll be less managers concentrating on those that have fair prices.
Therefore, servers would be more stable
problem 3 :
That' already the case. how would this tax change something in it ?
Anyway, I prefer prices that are a bit lower for those with a bid too important from the beginning, than a market that is too riskee in cost for so much managers, whether it be because of good players too expensive generally or with bad players with a 1rst bid that is just a trap.
Thx for the discussion
Last edited by Dunker Joe at 2/20/2010 9:57:18 AM