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BB Global (English) > Salaries!


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146246.6 in reply to 146246.3
Date: 6/10/2010 2:47:46 PM
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I think this season allowed a lot of the bottom teams to catch up a little with the top teams. And it is only a slight decrease so I don't think it will suddenly be top teams dominating.
I definitely didn't want a big salary increase lol! I enjoy making over 150k a week! lol

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146246.7 in reply to 146246.5
Date: 6/10/2010 2:48:40 PM
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Yeah I know, but better than nothing :P

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146246.9 in reply to 146246.8
Date: 6/10/2010 10:09:13 PM
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A very welcome and enjoyable news update.

I think more users will be happy to learn there is now a chance to rename a draft pick.. If I win I cant wait to rename the announcer potential 7ft guard I draft (he'll be my best out of the 3)... is Humpty Dumpty suitable?

3-5% will hardly be noticeable, lvl 4 staff salaries go up by 2% a week and as mentioned already this is only on non-trainees.

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146246.10 in reply to 146246.9
Date: 6/10/2010 11:00:26 PM
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Yeah of course a good news ¡¡¡

The bad news, is that the economy needs time, we have to let a chance to the economy to be regulated for itself ¡
I know that BB's have the macroeconomic information about the game(they based their past change only for their macroeconomic information) etc, but the important thing is how you use this information.

I told some months ago that the raise of the salaries it was a bad idea, because most teams that would suffer it were going to be teams from medium divisions and not the top divisions. They had to make changes on the arena attendance if they wanted to reduce the money from the game or the money that the top teams were receiving or acumulating from it.

Anyway, its good they recognized their mistake with that new change, im hoping we can have the economy stable for some seasons, because those who suffer more from this changes cant be changing their rosters season after season with succeed. Also now the transfer list of the inside mans its going to raise again.

PD: I dont know if im even happy of this change, for example on my team i did important changes on my roster last season, sold 2 important players and invested in rookies so i wasnt going to suffer with salaries, but its impossible to make any strategy in long term on this game at least on the economy area and i suppose a lot of users will be on same situation, they did changes to be more competitive on the future and now they will see how this change wasnt worth.

PD2: Last thing, but the most important, BB's should consider to have a BB only for the economy and im saying it honestly, we cant continue changing economy and not knowing in what way we go

Last edited by Marot at 6/10/2010 11:04:14 PM

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146246.11 in reply to 146246.10
Date: 6/10/2010 11:13:22 PM
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PD: I dont know if im even happy of this change, for example on my team i did important changes on my roster last season, sold 2 important players and invested in rookies so i wasnt going to suffer with salaries, but its impossible to make any strategy in long term on this game at least on the economy area and i suppose a lot of users will be on same situation, they did changes to be more competitive on the future and now they will see how this change wasnt worth.

I agree and disagree, you know there is going to be change and you know when the changes will be announced. You just need to be flexible to be able to adapt to the changes.

I try when possible to rotate out my oldest players and keep the average age of my roster as low as possible. This way whichever way the market goes you should be carrying an optimal amount of value in your players.

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146246.12 in reply to 146246.11
Date: 6/11/2010 12:56:28 AM
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Since the BB's first introduced this global self-tuning salary mechanism, it was stated that salaries would rise or fall depending on how the global economy was doing. I have suspected (known, really) for weeks that the salaries would drop, based on the fact that triple sensational centers are now selling for 2 or 3 million bucks on the TL. People have less money to toss around, meaning the economic equilibrium measures are working. In my opinion people who didn't see this coming are not paying much attention.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
146246.14 in reply to 146246.13
Date: 6/11/2010 6:21:38 AM
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Its hard to understand what you are trying to do with the economy, when there is only 6 sentences talking about the increase of the salaries(at the begining of season 12) and now 4 sentences telling we will have lower salaries. The translation is ok, but the information that the managers we read is really low, unless someone reads the english global forum(and most of the spanish users dont). So yes i said it some months ago on the first change of the salaries, some more information would be nice.

Anyway that now i see what economic model you are trying to do based on the trainings i will keep my thoughts for me. Just what worries me, is that the transfer market needs to be more regulated, its the most affected thing with the changes of the salaries and if this will happen at least for some more seasons, i doubt we will have a balanced market, were the offer&demand is really far from balanced. The little Wall street of BB ;)

Last edited by Marot at 6/11/2010 6:21:59 AM

From: FatCurry

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146246.15 in reply to 146246.14
Date: 6/11/2010 9:39:31 AM
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Its hard to understand what you are trying to do with the economy, when there is only 6 sentences talking about the increase of the salaries(at the begining of season 12) and now 4 sentences telling we will have lower salaries.

If the BB's only say a little bit people complain that there is not enough information given. If they say too much they run the risk of their statements not becoming true and people complaining: "But you said this was going to happen". They gave us a heads up while limiting what they said as I'm sure until the season is actually over they do not know exactly the % that salaries will be adjusted by.

Just what worries me, is that the transfer market needs to be more regulated, its the most affected thing with the changes of the salaries and if this will happen at least for some more seasons, i doubt we will have a balanced market, were the offer&demand is really far from balanced.

You have to remember that BB is still very young. The market itself has not fully developed and wont be for a long time. Players have not been fully filled out and these adjustments are to keep the market reasonable as the BB's see how this game develops. Even when the market is developed I doubt that it will be balanced as there will always be changes effecting what is in demand and what is not. I don't think this change was hard to see coming and I feel more members have to be ready for changes. If the game stayed exactly the same season after season it would slowly fall apart and these changes are to preserve and improve the game we love so much.
