Case 1:
Manager 1: Hi, nice to meet you.
Manager 2: Hi, nice to meet you too.
Case 2:
Manager 1: Can I buy one of your player?
Manager 2: No.
Manager 1: Ok...
Case 3:
Manager 1: Can I know one of your player blah blah blah's skills?
Manager 2: Ok. here.
Manager 3: Thanks a lot.
3 most frequent cases in my opinion :P
Case 4:
Manager 1: Hi, I'm running for the NT elections, I want you to vote for me.
Manager 1: Hi, I'm running for the NT elections, I want you to vote for me.
Manager 1: Hi, I'm running for the NT elections, I want you to vote for me.
Manager 1: Hi, I'm running for the NT elections, I want you to vote for me.
Manager 1: Hi, I'm running for the NT elections, I want you to vote for me.
Manager 2: DIE ALREADY!!!