How is Ghana's team BTW? It looks like you finally have a few players that are getting serious and dedicated training.
If Ghana finally had decent players,it's because Mitico Cobra start a fantastic work in Season 12 with very poor starting material and with the help of his staff,that change during the various seasons,makes in a first moment the U21,and consequentely the NT team decent
In Africa the work is very hard,because the fact that there are few users,give an hard limit to the number of player with decent basis,so coach's work it's not only to manage the players he has,but he had to be careful to the team that become bot,to find and save every kind of player that can look decent,and to convince the managers to train players with less basic skills,age and potential that a lot of trainees all over the world(often we had to do an heavy work also for the 19years old to make available other players for the future,and I can say you that it's difficult find someone that has the will to train a 19yo with star or all star potential and not great starting skills),only to be able to manage a decent numbers of players to use in the games
If you look at South Africa U21,you can see how much this work is difficult.I started my experience as U21 NT team scout with BlackMouse in South Africa at nearly half of Season 12,and we made an awesome work leaving to the actual coach a team able to win for the first time the African torunament with the 20yo that we develop in the previous seasons.If you check SA actual ratings,you can see that they heavily falls down from last seasons,because in this kind of countries you have great difficulties to find players every season(in the last season draft where I was still with South African staff,from the draft we have almost no decent 18yo big man to develop),and you have great difficulties to develop them(often the users of those countries are unexpereienced and/or almost inactive)