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Draft advice

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180138.6 in reply to 180138.5
Date: 4/14/2011 5:45:13 PM
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I would say that player 4 would be worth a lot more than player 5 on the TL. Some people would like that he has good secondaries as his best position is PG, so he probably has good passing.

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180138.7 in reply to 180138.5
Date: 4/14/2011 6:16:22 PM
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Player 4 has a chance to be an amazing PF trainee. Now he may have atrocious ID and JR in which case he is probably worthless for anything but he could actually be really interesting.

Player 5 looks great to train for your team, high potential, ok starting skills and great height. He wont be making any U21 teams but if you want a solid player for your team he could be the one. He will never have high trade value. 19 year old $3,700 superstar will sell for $100,000 or less unless he has a superb set of secondary skills.