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Training during All Star Week

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From: Dunkface

To: t0dd
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196178.6 in reply to 196178.1
Date: 9/11/2011 10:56:32 PM
Arizona Cacti
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This year I'm just going to single position train a couple big guys who haven't trained for a while (I'm doing guard training now). However, some seasons I've fired my trainer on saturday/sunday the week before the all-star break. Then I'll do 2-3 weeks of FT and stamina while only paying 2k/week for the trainer. Then hire a new one monday-thursday the week you want to start real training again. Saves a decent bit of money.

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196178.7 in reply to 196178.6
Date: 9/11/2011 11:02:43 PM
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Actually not a bad strategy. Could save about 50k, doing that.

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196178.9 in reply to 196178.8
Date: 9/13/2011 4:27:08 PM
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If you want to change your trainer, this is a good time....