I've watched all the teams playing against this team
(52962) that doesn't dress up a single player and nearly all of the starters foul out just a quarter or two in the game. ALL THE GAMES. Good thing is players can still hope for 30+ minutes as the GE assigns them minutes according to how many players dress up for the game. But some who setup his trainee to get 48 minutes will go into a fit of rage. Like me.
I know people will say, then just play max 5 players so everyone gets 48 minutes. But this pretty much messes our players minutes, at least me, for the next GS update. I like players having some games here and there, some minutes here and there considering most don't have good stamina to play 48 mins effectively.
Edit: I forgot to add that players get minutes assigned arbitrarily by the GE regardless of how many minutes they played before fouling out. Starters get the most, then backups, then if someone dresses reserves, will get some tiny minutes too. At least this is from my experience watching all the games by this team twice a week.
Last edited by Ashurri at 9/23/2011 10:13:47 AM