My team can run basically every single offence. Every one of my starters can pass and score but I have pretty bad stamina, about inept-mediocre. I will likely play against a team that will run FCP in the Finals so I was wondering what could I do to counter that? That team is quite successful with FCP too, getting around 25-30 steals per game. Thanks for your help!
Assuming your opponent will play FCP...
FCP drains stamina so you'll be balanced in that section. At least. Also, FCP decreases inside def and rebounding. Considering that you have really great centers, I would attack him under the rim with look inside for example. He has some nice centers too but also some nice outside players. So considering his ratings I think he's experimenting. :) Start the game with outside players with higher handling and passing. 3-2 zone for example...