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purchasing BuzzerBeater

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From: zyler

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198455.6 in reply to 198455.5
Date: 10/14/2011 8:57:29 AM
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hell yes , supporter package is a sweet deal as it is , hell i donate money to programs that are affilated with this game.

it all serves to provide me with the greatest online/offline basketball management game to date.

From: natellio

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198455.7 in reply to 198455.6
Date: 10/14/2011 9:06:01 AM
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It's strange to me that the OP is in his country's top league, and has been around since season 6, and is not a supporter. No chance with those sorts of advantages that he could have risen to one of England's top team. NO CHANCE.

Unless he bought...

The new users in this game would very minimal.

I made it to DIII in the USA without supporter. Then got it, and dropped down to DIV haha. But, I am much more involved in the community, and probably am a much a better manager for it.

This Post:
198455.8 in reply to 198455.1
Date: 10/14/2011 9:49:25 AM
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Not everyone can afford to pay keeps it fair and thats what makes this game good,popular and as a newbie has me hooked. But I can see what the OP means adding a more benefits (maybe very minor) could bring more money for the game to improve and stop bugs like training issues today.

This Post:
198455.9 in reply to 198455.8
Date: 10/14/2011 10:00:55 AM
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It would deliver more money... maybe. It would obviously make supporter more valuable, but personally, I really think the competition would significantly decrease, making the overall game far less enjoyable. And maybe I would leave the game entirely as a result.

And really, the training was about 1 hour and 30 minutes behind today (at least in the US). Is that really so bad? It didn't effect anyone's game. And it really didn't ruin my day.

The BBs will get the issues ironed out. And if it is really so inconvenient for there to be delays from time to time, maybe that is a great reason to pay $3.33 per month...

This Post:
198455.10 in reply to 198455.1
Date: 10/14/2011 6:14:47 PM
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I can almost guarantee that giving these types of benefits to supporter users would have a greatly negative effect on the number of non-supporters that are actively playing the game.

Sure some of them would buy supporter for these benefits but I would almost guarantee you that a far greater number would quit playing altogether because of the competitive disadvantage that would exist. And this game needs more active participants, not less.

This Post:
198455.11 in reply to 198455.10
Date: 10/14/2011 7:25:54 PM
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It's completely ridiculous. Either the game is free or it is not. In this case it is free, and you get some nice "extra" stuff if you buy supporter. Some of it is just for decoration, some is quite useful (like bookmarking players and saving TL searches). If you're going to give a competitive advantage just for those who pay, then next week instead of 50000 managers you will have 500

From: strilfe

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198455.12 in reply to 198455.11
Date: 10/14/2011 11:24:45 PM
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It happened. I used to play a soccer game, sundayleague, in which you could compete without the need of buying. When the game became so money-dependant, became uninteresting. Don't know if it still exists...

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198455.13 in reply to 198455.1
Date: 10/15/2011 4:49:56 PM
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Would be good if you got something special if you purchased Buzzerbeater. ie would be good if you could benefit with one of these ideas.
1.once purchased receive cash for team improvements eg-1million dollars
2.added bonuses on training
3.increase of season ticket holders
4.more merch income.
5.extra scouting points for draft
6.upgrade on coachng staff
7. discounts on staff salaries

well these are a few ideas

my point is I would be happy to purchase BB again if it would improve my team it doesnt do that at the moment. Adding more incentives would get more people buying it.

I am actually thinking that this is a joke

This Post:
198455.15 in reply to 198455.9
Date: 10/16/2011 1:07:19 AM
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And maybe I would leave the game entirely as a result.

I would. I've played games where paying gave an advantage and even when I payed I was annoyed by it.
I became a supporter here because I love the game and the fact that competitively you get no boost from paying is one of the reasons I love it.

This Post:
198455.16 in reply to 198455.1
Date: 10/16/2011 2:45:37 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Would be good if you got something special if you purchased Buzzerbeater.

You get the greatest basketball online manager, if you decide to buy BuzzerBeater and they accept your offer. If that is not special enough, ask them to include Edju's shorts in the deal. :-)
