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Walkover minutes

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From: MrKid

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198587.6 in reply to 198587.5
Date: 10/16/2011 10:35:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Nice but...

In walkover match maximum minutes for one player = 71 (1x 36 + 5x 5 + 5x 2).

Can you repeat this again please???

From: B.B.King

This Post:
198587.7 in reply to 198587.6
Date: 10/16/2011 10:37:56 AM
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In walkover match maximum minutes for one player = 71 (1x 36 + 5x 5 + 5x 2)

From: MrKid

This Post:
198587.8 in reply to 198587.7
Date: 10/16/2011 10:48:15 AM
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71??? for a single player in a 48 min game?

maybe you talk about this (198411.11)

Quoting to Azariah of Imperial Phantoms (USA II.4)

If you forfeit, your opponent gets the following minutes:
Starter = 36 minutes
Backup = 10 minutes
Reserve = 2 minutes

If any player is set as the starter and backup at a position, he only gets 41 minutes total (5 minute penalty for starter + backup -> 36 + 10 - 5 = 41)
If any player is set as the starter, backup, and reserve at a position, he only gets 43 minutes total (36 + 10 + 2 - 5 = 43)
If any player is set as the starter and reserve at a position, he gets 38 minutes total (36 + 2 = 38).

I'm not sure what happens if a player is set at starter and backup at one position and backup at another, but for single position training, that doesn't really matter.

Common courtesy would dictate that if you intend to submit a WO lineup, you pre-notify your opponent, so he can adjust his lineup if he wants.

In addition to not getting training minutes, you also won't get any benefit from TIE on a game you walkover (so you'll be in an enthusiasm hole compared to actually playing & TIEing the game).

BB-Charles has often maintained that finishing higher in the league standings will more than offset the short term "economic loss" of having to pay the week of salaries while you get curbstomped in the first playoff round.

From: B.B.King

This Post:
198587.9 in reply to 198587.8
Date: 10/16/2011 10:52:52 AM
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Yes, 71 minutes for single player in 48 min game.

From: MrKid

This Post:
198587.10 in reply to 198587.9
Date: 10/16/2011 11:07:43 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mmmm interesting...
You can put a link to a game like that please?

From: B.B.King

This Post:
198587.11 in reply to 198587.10
Date: 10/16/2011 11:16:56 AM
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It's possible to arrange in private league.
Ewentually in scrimmage if both teams are out of play-offs/relegations and train FT/ST (because these trainings are independent of minutes).
1st team should set walkover (2 or less players). 2nd team should set one player on 11 slots (1x starter + 5x backup + 5x reseve) and minimum 3 players in squad (to avoid walkover).

This Post:
198587.13 in reply to 198587.12
Date: 10/16/2011 3:53:14 PM
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I saw WO games in which player played more than 48 minutes.
I described above how to arange it. The simpliest way to prove or disprove it - try to do it ;-)

We know nothing about universe. Few information from this year:
- scientists wanted to prove that speed of expanding of universe decreases - they found proofs that this speed increases ;-)
- everybody knows that speed of light is maximum speed in universe - scientists made experiment in which neutrinos are faster than light ;-)

If two above are possible then there is nothing strange when one player plays 60 minutes during 48 minutes match ;-)

Last edited by B.B.King at 10/16/2011 3:59:18 PM

This Post:
198587.14 in reply to 198587.12
Date: 10/16/2011 5:23:51 PM
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One player got 50 minutes in a 48 minutes match: (36808308)
I don´t understand anything...

This Post:
198587.15 in reply to 198587.14
Date: 10/16/2011 5:44:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
It's elementary, My Dear Watson!
He played as 1x starter (36) + 2x backup (2x 5) + 2x reserve (2x 2) = 50 minutes.

Last edited by B.B.King at 10/16/2011 5:49:40 PM

This Post:
198587.16 in reply to 198587.15
Date: 10/16/2011 5:50:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
It's elementary, My Dear Watson!
He played as 1x starter (36) + 2x backup (2x 5) + 1x reserve (2) = 50 minutes.

You´re right but i can´t imagine that somebody could get more minutes than 48 in a single game, it´s illogical.
I can´t understand too how a team can get less than 240 minutes in a walkover.
Best regards.

Last edited by jacobomd at 10/16/2011 5:51:35 PM
