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Suggestions > Transferlist NT players

Transferlist NT players

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From: docend24

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202125.6 in reply to 202125.1
Date: 11/20/2011 10:36:00 AM
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Against. You would find a nt coach putting players on NT with no good reason other than profit here and there. Some may do it even know and yes it happens, remember that once some disgreces of NT managers put their older players on u21 rosters when bonus in merchandise for domestic NT players was added to the game. No matter they couldn't play for u21 and merchandise was counted only for players actually playing NT games.

If you check some tiny nation young players they often hit the market with ridiculous prices just because in those countries every young talent counts and has initially a good shot making u21/NT (and because BB managers thinking like "I want some NT player no matter which country he would be playing for" soften starts checking these nations first). This susggestion would only make NT palywers of more populous countries inflated.

Last edited by docend24 at 11/20/2011 10:36:22 AM