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BB Global (English) > unnecessary tactical fouls..

unnecessary tactical fouls..

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20333.6 in reply to 20333.4
Date: 3/25/2008 11:30:40 AM
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it's strange because we ran games yesterday on private leagues and the day before as tests that we showed GMs and didn't see these problems occur, but obviously that's the reality of running as many test games as we can as opposed to running a full slate of games that people get to watch.

actually it's not THAT odd. Since I never had this fouling-frenzy ever before, even though it existed before, now my latest game I also had this happening. So in fact it took a prety long time for it to occur in one of my games, so it is not so odd that you didn't notice it yet looking at a limited amount of games played on 1 day.
Possibly other oddities will rise, that's why we are here to let you guys know. ;)

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