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inuries abound

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From: kLepTo

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220098.6 in reply to 220098.1
Date: 6/14/2012 12:56:17 PM
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From what I understand, injury is random (assuming the same level doctor). So obviously the majority of players will have the normal amount of injuries (which is what? one every season?). It happens that at this point in time, you're in one of the extremes. Some person on the other side of the curve has probably not had an injury in seasons. So, no, the BB gods aren't picking on you.

From: kLepTo

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220098.8 in reply to 220098.7
Date: 6/14/2012 9:52:20 PM
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Excellent data gathering there. I am certain you collected the injury history of 50 teams and all that. Or do you believe it just because its what you want to believe?

I went lik 2 seasons with maybe 3~4 injuries the whole season. I've had an injury or two every week now, and most of them have pretty big impact on my games and players. It sucks.

Now I remember why I never comment on the forums here.

This Post:
220098.10 in reply to 220098.7
Date: 6/15/2012 11:57:31 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
On this I feel you.
Back-to-Back games I've had 2+ weeks and 2+ week injuries. Both times to my Best all around player. and highest salary guy that's salary reflects their skills (wang is my highest, but he's had quite some drops this season)