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Your opinion on my winning chances

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From: FuriousSK

To: Ofer
This Post:
229202.6 in reply to 229202.5
Date: 11/5/2012 1:41:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
my assumption is that box + 1 formations (inside or outside box) allows for a man to be attached at all times to the best outside or inside threat, while the box sort of cycles around. In theory, this would lead to 2 players covering the main threat at given times. Similarly, a Zone may collapse on a given guard or forward once the ball is received.

Whether or not the game engine is smart enough to recognize this? who knows. it may only assign one defender in calculations.

This Post:
229202.7 in reply to 229202.4
Date: 11/5/2012 12:32:32 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
if you remember a while back the college team davidson had one great player (his name elludes me).

Stephon Curry