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Suggestions > It's time to save BB by allowing 2 teams

It's time to save BB by allowing 2 teams (thread closed)

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253223.6 in reply to 253223.1
Date: 1/1/2014 3:44:02 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
Would love it, can't imagine too many supporters that wouldn't
Might even stop some from cheating since they would legally have 2nd team

Last edited by Headless T Gunner at 1/1/2014 3:44:44 PM

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253223.7 in reply to 253223.1
Date: 1/1/2014 3:44:44 PM
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big +1

done in hattrick w no issues

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253223.8 in reply to 253223.3
Date: 1/1/2014 3:51:37 PM
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I would be OK with all the 2nd teams being grouped into the "Utopia" country. This was suggested by someone before. Then every one can play against every one else in this league with your 2nd team and the cream will really have to rise to the top. However, then there is the issue of how everyone starts out (div I,II,III etc...)

The first year could be kinda like a B3 to find out who shall start in which Division.
Once you get eliminated you play multiple scrimmages a week.

Would the ''utopia'' country be able to play in the B3?

Last edited by Myles at 1/1/2014 3:52:25 PM

From: abigfishy

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253223.9 in reply to 253223.8
Date: 1/1/2014 3:57:12 PM
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id prefer 2 just let peeps join the nation of their choice

but if u want 2 have utopia 2 options

1 start every1 in d5 & the best will promote

2 put teams in divs based on their world ranking

1 more rule 2 stop farming 2nd team cannot own ANY player from 1st country & vice versa

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253223.10 in reply to 253223.9
Date: 1/1/2014 4:02:57 PM
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team cannot own ANY player from 1st country & vice versa

this is very importent rule. We know that it is, isn't it?

And big yes for this idea Both idea with present country and utopia are great
Probably i willl buy supporter if there are these feature

But one more qeustion what about if i have supporter for 6 months and i dont buy it one more time? Any ideas?

From: Myles

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253223.11 in reply to 253223.9
Date: 1/1/2014 4:09:54 PM
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2 put teams in divs based on their world ranking

To: oxygenum

You would be able to finish your season.

To: abigfishy

We should be able to say that you don't want to be in a high division.
If I had a new team i would like to start from beginning.
In the lowest division.

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253223.13 in reply to 253223.3
Date: 1/1/2014 4:46:27 PM
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Well, Japan is a nation with mainly foreign users and I have never read a complaint about that.

Micronations with only a handful users should be closed anyway. Add a carribean and/or african League instead.

I would add another restriction, managers can only join nations with less than xxx users. Lets say as long as there are places in Div II availiable you cannot join a country with human managers in Div III.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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253223.14 in reply to 253223.1
Date: 1/1/2014 4:51:22 PM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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Hello Beaner in this 2014 New Year.

I have no idea for what and for whom this change will be made for. I understand that number of users decresing but this change will be false change and only for supporters. Better idea will be some kind of youth team, under 21y.o. at the same country as 1st team, and can promote from 2nd to 1st.

or some interference in the game, when I am loosing or winning.


Last edited by aMORFIczny at 1/1/2014 4:58:21 PM

From: Marko
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253223.16 in reply to 253223.12
Date: 1/1/2014 5:11:47 PM
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Overall the idea of giving supporters a second team is amazing and it should had to be done many seasons ago. But I don't like that second teams could be possibly placed in other countries, and I believe I am not the only one. At this point I agree with Kumiko, something like "Utopia" would be okay to me. And answering sparky44 question about "Utopia" countries being able to compete in B3, why not:)
