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drawing up plays

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255744.6 in reply to 255744.4
Date: 3/15/2014 8:49:16 AM
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yer i havent found that to be the case at all with Inside Isolation.

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255744.7 in reply to 255744.1
Date: 3/16/2014 11:44:41 AM
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I really like this idea. But maybe instead of Low Post=C you could have the game strategy of Low Post, and have a kind of drawing board where you could draw lines to create plays. The complexity of the plays would vary on the amount of experience a player has i.e. a rookie would only be able to run the most basic plays while a 30 year old with tremendous experience could run a play that is extremely complex. being able to draw up your own plays and having to think about who could actually do the plays would add a great amount of interest to the already good strategy side of this game. +1

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255744.8 in reply to 255744.7
Date: 3/16/2014 12:09:25 PM
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I think that your idea is too complex, and it requires too much work to implement, but something similar to Coach Regans suggestion shouldnt be that hard to implement, and it would be great addition to game...

And another thing about those isolations: They arent broken, we just dont know how to use them. One of the main reasons why am I thinking about getting a second team in Utopia, is to try to work out what kind of team you need to have to play them successfully. I believe that if I manage to understand them, that can be a huge advantage to my team here...

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255744.9 in reply to 255744.7
Date: 3/17/2014 1:16:48 AM
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i have to admit, i did think of this as well. and whilst it would be cool, i struggled to work out how to implement it in BB.

i like ur extension of the idea though with the experience component

I think the 'drawing play's idea, to the extent that you are describing, would be great fun - but i also think that the way this would be implemented would need to be a staggered approach - maybe provide the managers witha 'play-list' of plays that are applicable to each offesnive option (eg: Low post has play list of 4 different plays - This used to be in NBA Live 2004 or 05 i seem to recall).

and you could set ur primary and secondary option for those plays.

it could lead to a few things, it means ur guys would run preferred plays, but that would also mean that ur team might lose more, because those plays would not be the best option for ur team. This would lead to some interesting discovery of the game though, AND also the associated 'defensive' capabilities to beat certain plays.

also - the plays should really mirror current game engine execution. no need to change the game engine, just match the current game-engine execution with the appropriate play.

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255744.10 in reply to 255744.9
Date: 3/17/2014 3:22:52 PM
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yeah, thats a good idea. mine was very complex, though fun. yours would work a lot better and you could maybe set a preferred play to run and have backups in case that wasn't the best play for a situation. I really like this idea because of the way my team's set up. we have good inside guys but i don't run the ball through them because i have better outside guys. this idea would allow me to insert a section of plays for the outside guys and for the inside guys so that they would actually do something.

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255744.11 in reply to 255744.10
Date: 3/17/2014 10:06:02 PM
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I think it could eventually become a new way that tactics are set.

I don't have one of the more recent NBALive or NBA2k14 games, but i remember the older ones, as I said, you were able to set a bunch of plays for different 'call a play buttons'.
that was obviously playing it live, so maybe these individual plays become preference plays.

So you could have
PicknRoll 1
PicknRoll 2 (where the differnce between 1 and 2 is perhaps an off the ball/on the ball pick)
Backdoor cut
Swingman 1
Swingman 2

So in that order, you would have those 5 plays as your preferred 'standard offence' plays. Maybe assign a percntage of how many times you want the offense to try that play.

So run PicknRolls 50% of the time.

Not sure. The game engine probably doesn't work quite like this, so the plays that get drawn up would have to reflective of the current game engine.
"Player X finds Player Y wide open near the Freethrow line" - What play is that?

So yer, unfortunately, the 'playbook' would have to be reminiscent of the current game engine 'plays' which - I could almost guarantee, do not involve off the ball screen's, or baseline cutting/swing etc.

But still, its a novel idea - ill think about it some more, see how it could be implemented without having massive game engine changes.

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255744.12 in reply to 255744.11
Date: 3/18/2014 5:03:38 PM
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yeah, maybe if you could work in some way to have the offense react to the defense. maybe have a strategy selection like that it would work.

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255744.13 in reply to 255744.12
Date: 3/30/2014 7:31:00 AM
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eg: my brother want to do "inside insolation", in the
semi finals, to confuse the other team and make them
wrong. but it doesn't work.
that why we need to drawing up plays!
the "inside insolation" go to other player
and he loss.

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255744.14 in reply to 255744.13
Date: 3/31/2014 2:01:34 PM
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Second Team:
Smallfries II
I think in order to do plays it would have to be set plays the BB would implement into the code and then you would pick from those plays. You could pick Up to 5 plays, as already mentioned, as well as an order of players you would choose to shoot at the end of the shot clock

so this is how it would run.

1) Pick n roll play called
2) pick is set but no good shots available
3) new play called
4) No available shots
5) Shot needs to be taken so the team will try to get the ball into the hands of your 1st option to shoot buzzer beater. If not possible it will go to 2nd or 3rd option. If no options on the floor then the end result will be the same as it already it.

This of course shows two plays being ran. That won't happen app the time obviously because some plays could lead to a quick open shot.

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255744.15 in reply to 255744.1
Date: 4/3/2014 7:51:11 PM
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pf scorer

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255744.16 in reply to 255744.15
Date: 1/28/2016 4:44:36 AM
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I know that this discassion was long time ago but I want to add something.
The option of making calls and play on your own, can add to this game a lot.
Every coach can make calls according to his players, and then it will be more interesting
to everyone - how to stop his calls?
how to guard?
and more..
By making play calls I mean realy to draw calls and not only simple pick
n rolls.
What do you say about this idea?
