@Ryan, Perpete
I don't see it the same way, or you don't see my point of view.
I've invested 19 million to purchase 6 players for my team, plus my 3 own trainees whom I trained since the beginning(10 seasons I think), they are also worth at least 6 million.
So I could've built a B3 contender. Instead I opted to make a weaker team, but who will make money, and last for a long time, thus allowing me to repeat the process.
Note that in this post, I'm not talking about the tax itself. What I'm arguing, I don't see it as a less respectable way of playing. You and Perpete basically accused me of abusing the game.
I just see it as a tradeoff. My team will be weaker, but give me money. What I get in money, I lose on competitiveness.
Key here is the loss of competitiveness. I can show you my players, and you will see it's beautifully set up. I haven't had chance to gauge my team strength yet, and still have two seasons of training planned, but I'm certain the team would be a tough, gritty opponent in any league in BB.