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316413.6 in reply to 316413.5
Date: 10/31/2022 11:22:59 PM
Syndicalists' BC
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you'd be better off promoting and buying a draftee off the transfer list.

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316413.7 in reply to 316413.5
Date: 11/2/2022 1:03:57 AM
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if you fast got beter draft 5 5 you must lose all game to be 1 who got the best players thats mean you must lose to computers players to be sure to got rocherie gl

maybe importent fo knew players not play a lot of time
Because 1 in the draft got 8 positionn 2 8 position then 7 left or right then 6 players left or right then 6 position left or right the last 15 und 16 draft are 1 players in ligue
In the realy life maybe hawe 2 players beter resultat then 1 to the unother side thats mean got draft later for draft is more importent how many wins you hawe the last players on league always got 1 draft then 17 draft then 28 3 players in regulary sezone

Last edited by sova at 11/2/2022 12:51:24 PM

From: sova

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316413.9 in reply to 316413.8
Date: 11/2/2022 12:33:55 PM
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greje klop
občasna menjava
6. igralec
igralec prve peterke
ključni igralec ekipe
zvezdnik več let
večno slaven
najboljši vseh časov

one of 5 is one of this 3 players draft
večno slaven back of farmer
najboljši vseh časov und the best player this game all time of grates i think english im not sure if realy

sekund 5 got wekly salary more then 3600 for 18 years und i think if hawe 19 more then 4000 but always take 18 years old if you hawe choise
A+... A is the best for player + or - IS JUST WHER IS THE BETER that mean if center - then hawe beter skil point guard shothing guard or small foward
if Center A+ thats mean skill beter in center or power foward
A mean your players in skill intiligence is wery good play is wery intiligenten player dont sell him is the best player
B is more bad C more bad thats all