Initial Squad
Little Blokes
Rudolph Morris
Neil Hodson
Rudolph Mancier
Carl Gounko
Gary Adams
Geoffrey Dorman
Big Blokes
Scott Naismith
Michael Dale
Robert Aldred
Christopher Paris
Simon Howlett
Eric John
All managers have been contacted & are congratulated on getting their players selected, and hopefully can keep their lads in good gameshape for the tough qualifying campaign the team faces.
New faces are Christopher John (found in Brazil) & Geoffrey Dorman (local player) – both are congratulated on being selected in the squad.
We start qualifying with an even squad of 12 players, 8 aged 22, 2 aged 23, and a 24 & 25 year old – so a very young squad.. Some were unlucky to miss the cut, and their managers either have been contacted or will be contacted in the near future. We will look to the option of bringing some of these players in if they continue to improve, or injury requires it.
Heres hoping to a successful qualification campaign.