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pr manager

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79045.6 in reply to 79045.3
Date: 3/6/2009 2:22:24 AM
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yes, it is in the rules.

the question was: is it worth it.

for fanshop income it is calculateable, and for that alone it's not worth it.

your level 2 will cost you much more then 2k LESS then the level 6.

But there are a lot of 'hidden' factors as well that are influenced by the PR guy.

* how much you can ask for tickets
* maybe the raise of season ticket holders ???
* how many spectators you have for a game

there is little info available on the effect of the PR on those things, so it is very hard to calculate. especially since many of those things have other, mostly bigger factors besides the PR guy.

Since the PR guy only 'helps' out on certain things, and there are so many other factors influencing them, I think this question posed in the initial post will be one that will stay in BB for a very very long time, if not forever.

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