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130923.60 in reply to 130923.59
Date: 2/14/2010 2:30:25 PM
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Every team get's base 14 scouting points for free. So even if you do not invest in scouting you have some basic info.
It's nice to be clever, but not when it comes back to bite you in the ass ;)

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130923.61 in reply to 130923.60
Date: 2/14/2010 3:31:42 PM
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I realise you get 14 scouting points for free, but you don't get that until the end, and there is no gaurantee that the 14 points will be used to scout the remaining players. Those 14 points might uncover second level data for some players.
So for your "plan" to work, team 1 would need to scout as I said, and not rely on the 14 extra data points.

This Post:
130923.62 in reply to 130923.61
Date: 2/14/2010 3:42:00 PM
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Pay attention. If this overhaul will be implemented, teams can assign those 14 points or they will be randomly used as first scouting only.

This Post:
130923.63 in reply to 130923.62
Date: 2/14/2010 5:07:36 PM
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Okay, even if they are used as first scouting, they are not used until the end of the season. Hence you will not know what those 14 players info is until the end of the scouting process, which means the other teams would no longer be able to scout for those players.

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130923.64 in reply to 130923.62
Date: 2/14/2010 5:11:43 PM
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Suppose that all people posting in this thread are dear friends in the same league. What I see is that they will not be able to reach a common strategy to share informations about how sparing money in the draft. I realize that, above all, may be it's possible, but surely it's rather difficult. :)

PS: Why do you think that position should be part of the draft report? In my opinion one should know height labels (first scout) and differential skill ratings (second scout). If I'm looking for PGs, I will not further scout players XL or XXL, I don't care about their actual suggested positions. After second scout for S-M players, I will not set at the top of my list S players skilled for big men.

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130923.65 in reply to 130923.63
Date: 2/14/2010 5:52:18 PM
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The time frame does not really matter. T1 keeps scouting through the list. T2,T3 start to look for those 5-4 star players for full scout info. The timeframe is just a little different. You will still have full list for the end of the season.
But it's pointless to rant about this, as we are not actually making any progress here.

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130923.66 in reply to 130923.65
Date: 2/14/2010 6:04:17 PM
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Oh well, I'd still rather have this system in place than the current system, even at the slight chance that teams will cheat.

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130923.67 in reply to 130923.66
Date: 2/15/2010 12:38:07 AM
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Hasn't everyone said the free 14 scoutings happen at the end randomly to preserve a random element? Isn't that when NBA teams step up their scouting, just before the draft with the draft camps, individual workouts etc? That makes a huge difference.

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130923.68 in reply to 130923.67
Date: 12/7/2011 6:20:55 PM
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My proposal for a new Draft system.
(I know, I know, it's probably useless)

1) Get rid of "scouting points".

2) "Scouting Reports" can be bought after the all-star break.

3) Scouting Reports come in three types:
3.1 The Basic one has basic information on every draftee (age, height, favourite position, best skill)
3.2 The Advanced one has more information on 10 draftees of choice (all the previous info + an assessment* of all their skills)
3.3 The Focus one gives more info on 5 draftees of choice (all previous info + a better assessment** of their skills + an assessment of potential**)

4) You can't buy the Advanced Report if you haven't already bought the Basic Report, and the Focus if you haven't the Advanced.

5) The whole system should be cheaper than the current one.

6) If a manager doesn't buy at least the basic Report, he will draft randomly, but ONLY low tier draftees can be taken in this way.

* The assessment of the skill level in an Advanced Report means that the actual skill level will be within +2 or -2 compared to the displayed one.
So if an Advanced Report tells me that a draftee has, for example, average OD, it means that his actual OD will be between inept and strong.

** The assessments in a Focus Report will be within +1 and -1.


Last edited by Stavrogin at 12/7/2011 6:26:13 PM

This Post:
130923.69 in reply to 130923.68
Date: 12/7/2011 7:25:49 PM
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I also think that the basic "free" information should be much more accurate. Which GM in the world wouldn't know to put Blake Griffin or Derek Rose high up on their draft board? Obviously there should be great rewards for those GMs that do scout to uncover the hidden gems but the complete duds and total studs should be easy to see.

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130923.70 in reply to 130923.69
Date: 12/11/2011 7:01:48 AM
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interesting thread.

lets face it though, until the quality of players that come out of the draft improve, i dont think it matters what system you put in place, people still wont invest, because its not worth their time to spend all this scouting money to end up with a 7'1" PG with a $4k salary and atrocious SB + RB and all-star potential.

you can improve the scouting method all you want, but until the above situation improves, its still going to be a long slog and a risky financial investment to find great trainee's in your league's draft.