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Suggestions > Auto-Bid


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198973.60 in reply to 198973.56
Date: 10/22/2011 3:15:17 AM
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And there are even more who consiider it a wastte of time and would be unahappy with the new, and you wont make both happy. Cause auto bid would be the deeath of normal bidding.

This Post:
198973.61 in reply to 198973.57
Date: 10/22/2011 6:23:29 AM
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And again, in this case there is no argument agains auto-bidding, as you claim it does not change anything.

No, introducing auto-bidding would change the philosophy of the bidding and limit user interaction on the transfer list, and it would make the transfer system more complicated.

Basically if I need to define in one short sentence each claim against auto-bidding you gave it would have been:
1) It will not affect the chances of wining an auction.
2) There is no benefit of being able to be online anytime (kind of) on current system
Each of the above claims have been proved wrong.

No. I am saying there is an advantage in being online, and I even started by saying that I find it a good approach. An actual quote: "Giving advantage to those who are willing to spend some time is IMO actually a pretty good approach." However, due to supply of players, the advantage is generally rather insignificant for the majority of users. While auto-bidding increases one's chances of winning an auction at the lowest possible price, there are so many players on the market you are very likely to find as good a deal on the transfer market even if you would need to wait a couple more days. In addition, I do not believe the transfer market should be designed such that everyone is automatically going to get the best possible deal on any given player. Where's the fun in that? This is a game after all.

If I were asked to support auto-bidding in this game, the only argument I currently see relevant is convenience. Is it more convenient to just put in an auto-bid and forget about it? Sure. However, this gain would need to balanced against such factors as having fun on the transfer market (heated bid wars), complexity of the system (what we have now is a very simple system which everyone can understand with minimum effort, while a really useful auto-bid system would be more complex), giving some advantage to active users (contrary to what you claim I am saying, I actually think there is a small advantage for active users, and I believe it should be so), and even realism.

Anyway, I am not exactly attempting to shoot you down here, Pini פיני.

This Post:
198973.62 in reply to 198973.59
Date: 10/22/2011 7:42:45 AM
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Yes, but a player in the real world would not sign for a manager just because he can call him at 3AM in the morning!

You do understand that this is a game right? Some things that work in rl, might not be a good solution in a game. And if you are calling someone out of your time zone, would you call him when it's his 3AM or try to reach him at his normal awake hours. So his best time might actually be your 3AM. If you want him, you will make the call at the time it suits him.

Now this is just a bad excuse.
BB managing is not being awake and online whenever you can.
If it is so, let's change the game name and goals to be - "OM - Online Managing, the game that will test how much time you can be online conected to this game".

The game needs to give all users the same basic abillities to compete.

So what you are argueing about is, that someone logging in once a month, must be on a same level with someone, logging in daily? What is the "correct" amount of logins per month/week/day? There is a 3 day window to bid on a player, to me it's simple: want to get the player cheaper, make sure you are there for the bidwar, want to get the player without being there, bid higher. Every manager can still get the player, so there are no restrictions that you can't bid. You just choose not to.

This is another bad excuse pointing to the same issue.
A coach that doesn't come to games and training days is a bad coach.
On the other hand, he is not a bad coach if he is not practically sleeping in the court 24/7 just for the chance that some player will arive and he could extra train him...
The same is true for this game.

Basically you are arguing against it for one reason only - you can get online whenever you want, and it gives you great advantage. Advantage that has nothing to do with BB managing.
The game owner have wanted it to be played by as much who can w/o giving advantages to users that are unfair.

Summarizing - being online whenever you can does not make one being a better BB manager, and due to that it is enough to say that it shouldn't give such great advantage to those players.

This Post:
198973.63 in reply to 198973.60
Date: 10/22/2011 7:52:33 AM
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And there are even more who consiider it a wastte of time and would be unahappy with the new, and you wont make both happy. Cause auto bid would be the deeath of normal bidding.

Why don't you just admit that you are one of those guys that can get online much more than the others and this is the only reason you are against it?

The auto-bid gives those who wants to go to bid-wars doing just that, but from the price that was set by the auto-bid system.
As you claim "just put your max for that player", it has no difference. Unless you understand that no one plays in this way.

You are changing your basic claim from one message to the other...
One time you are saying that there is no difference but it will be a waste of time.
Then you are argueing the opposite and saying that the only way is current auction's system.
It sounds that you just prefer current system because it gives you (unfair and uncompetetive) advantage over the others.
This advantage has nothing to do with BB managing.

This Post:
198973.64 in reply to 198973.63
Date: 10/22/2011 7:54:06 AM
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Neither unfair nor uncompetetive. You´re the only one sticking to that. Flat out your "opinion", stop selling it as a fact please.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
This Post:
198973.65 in reply to 198973.61
Date: 10/22/2011 8:11:39 AM
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And again, in this case there is no argument agains auto-bidding, as you claim it does not change anything.

No, introducing auto-bidding would change the philosophy of the bidding and limit user interaction on the transfer list, and it would make the transfer system more complicated.

1) No it will not be more complicated.
Rookie-users could continue bidding online.
It will just start from the price set by the auto-bidding system.

2) The interaction is not about bidding. It is not a game that focus in bidding philosophy.
In addition. I didn't see any interaction besides the bidding itself in an auction at BB.
This game is about BB managing, and most of the interaction (and in much bigger scales) are regarding that - BB managing.

Basically if I need to define in one short sentence each claim against auto-bidding you gave it would have been:
1) It will not affect the chances of wining an auction.
2) There is no benefit of being able to be online anytime (kind of) on current system
Each of the above claims have been proved wrong.

No. I am saying there is an advantage in being online, and I even started by saying that I find it a good approach. An actual quote: "Giving advantage to those who are willing to spend some time is IMO actually a pretty good approach." However, due to supply of players, the advantage is generally rather insignificant for the majority of users. While auto-bidding increases one's chances of winning an auction at the lowest possible price, there are so many players on the market you are very likely to find as good a deal on the transfer market even if you would need to wait a couple more days. In addition, I do not believe the transfer market should be designed such that everyone is automatically going to get the best possible deal on any given player. Where's the fun in that? This is a game after all.

If I were asked to support auto-bidding in this game, the only argument I currently see relevant is convenience. Is it more convenient to just put in an auto-bid and forget about it? Sure. However, this gain would need to balanced against such factors as having fun on the transfer market (heated bid wars), complexity of the system (what we have now is a very simple system which everyone can understand with minimum effort, while a really useful auto-bid system would be more complex), giving some advantage to active users (contrary to what you claim I am saying, I actually think there is a small advantage for active users, and I believe it should be so), and even realism.

Anyway, I am not exactly attempting to shoot you down here, Pini פיני.

So let's write exactly your claims here and we will quote them.
"Giving advantage to those who are willing to spend some time is IMO actually a pretty good approach."

So you are claiming:
a) There is an advantage being oniline whenever you can.
b) There is a reason why it should give this advantage.

The Q is - Is this game is about who can get online whenever he can or about BB managing?
The A is - it is about BB managing. No reason to give any advantage to those types of users, as it gices unfair advantage that is not related to BB managing.

due to supply of players, the advantage is generally rather insignificant for the majority of users.

And here is the opposite claim.
There is no in between.
Or that it gives an advantage or not. period.

[There is more in the next message...]

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/22/2011 8:13:02 AM

This Post:
198973.66 in reply to 198973.61
Date: 10/22/2011 8:13:55 AM
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[Continuing previous message]

I do not believe the transfer market should be designed such that everyone is automatically going to get the best possible deal on any given player. Where's the fun in that? This is a game after all.

Basically you are consistently contradicts yourself - now you are arguing:
It gives great advantage for frequent online users and we deserve it.
No you don't. This is BB managing an not anything else.

And yeah, the plan of this game to give fair chance to all to place their bidding.
I've never heard an auction goes to market in the worst time for most.

Generaly speaking you are suggesting any claim (that contradicts each other) in favor of keeping your advantage.
By that keeping this game narrow to much smaller community.

Why not just giving money upon time a person is active on site?
It is purely the same.

This Post:
198973.67 in reply to 198973.64
Date: 10/22/2011 8:22:19 AM
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As the vote shows, it is not "flat out" me against the others, as you are trying to imply.

It is not supporise that those who tries to turn it down are those who enjoy exactly this unfair huge advantage.

Now again you returning to another claim saying that current system is "Fair and competetive".
And again I will argue that if it so there is no reason not to use auto-bidding, as it will not change any advantage that you here by claiming that is not existing.

And again I will remind you that after all the bids are received from the auto-bidders, the online bidders are free to play from that point, so no change for them either (and again as you claimed it will not make it unfair for them)

I will again remind you that you suggested them to set MAX price for the auction.
So it will not change the value starting from for the online users.

Basically you are jumping from one claim to another and not realy responding to arguments that ruled out each one of them.

In case the site's owner would like it to be a small community that could play 24/7, the current auction system is GREAT.
In case he wants it to be expanded, there is no argue that auto-bid system is much more competetive system and fair for a game that is about BB managing.

This Post:
198973.68 in reply to 198973.67
Date: 10/22/2011 8:42:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
No offense but the auto-bid is a ridiculous idea. If a user isn't around to bid then too bad, go for the next one. Autobid would be a disastrous attempt to fix something that is not really broken.

Check the Suggestions they are important
This Post:
198973.69 in reply to 198973.68
Date: 10/22/2011 9:15:28 AM
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I will repeat my claims here...

1) This game is about BB managing, not about who can get more online whenever he wants.

2) An auction in the real-world will be set to a time that as much participants (biders) could attend to.

3) Current system gives great advantage to a very narrow type of users. Otherwise (in case it will not change anything)you would not support it.
BB game is intended to be played by as much potential users there are.
By the current system defined there are much who have left the game or will be leaving the game.

Basically you didn't gave a claim that holds ground but just repeated arguments that are just irrelevant to BB managing and your main concern is to keep this unfair advantage, that you probably enjoys, in place.

Auto-bidding system will just make it more fair for all users, and by that will expand the amount of users playing this game.
A player that can't compete due to rules who gives great advantage to others, advantage that has nothing to do with BB managing, will just leave the game in the end.

This Post:
198973.70 in reply to 198973.69
Date: 10/22/2011 9:39:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Let's summarize this issue.
Here are the questions that are needed to be answered;

1) Question: Does it gives any advantage to narrow type of users?
Answer: Definately - users that can get online whenever they want through out the day can place better bids and be part of more bids.

2) Question: Does this game is intended to be played just by those type of users that can get online "whenever they want"?
Answer: No, it is intended to be played by variety of users. Most, cannot attend a bid or get active in BB whenever they can.

3) Question: Is BB managing is measured by how much time a day a manager itself can be free for setting deals with players?
Answer: No, it is not part of the BB manager!
The manager, in real-life, defines the max price for a player and its representative is requested to close the best deal he can.
Sounds like Auto-Bid system to me...

4) Question: Will users lose the fan of being part of a bid-war?
Answer: This calim is absurd.
Currenlty the claim to this majority of users is that they should put the MAX price from start, so what is the difference?
Those who favor of bid-war could start their bid-war from exactly that price (more precisely, a little bit less), when the auto-bid part ends.

5) Question: Is this suggestion is good, but just not important?
Answer: As the main point any game is to be fair, and to have as many possible users as can be (under the limitation that there is need to be a challenge in the game), it is most definately one of the top priorities.
Moreover, setting an auto-bid system is rather simple.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/22/2011 11:09:22 AM
