Your post is confused, could write specific name of player, not just nonsense?
Cant get what was your point?
Should we go again?
Chaperon was bought at age 24, trained for 9 seasons in my team and still claim that i bought player from a farm?

Pak (21264023), same thing as Chaperon, was bought while he was 24, trained him until knockout phase of this seasons B3, as a matter of fact i can point you that he got ups this season as well, although he is 33yrs old.
Another pure example of player who was trained in farm?
Arunit (21245693), was also made by me.Later i replaced him by a sliced better player (22633661).I won B3 with Arunit too.
Tian (23562128), was bought when he was 27 and trained until knockout phase of this seasons B3.I made him to be player like he is now, i forced some particular skills over other.
Trevelin (23921389), same story as Tian, i made him to be like this so i can make defensive switches among Tian and Trevelin.
Those players too?
I see that you are newbie here, so no point to explain to you how important could be that 1 or 2 seasons of training at late ages.
But, think whatever you want, just dont cry, its not worth of it...