4- Overall the picture seems to be that trainings for two positions are most efficient, provided you have enough trainees. Agree?
1. How solid is the evidence that there really is any difference between different training types in the training speed for the primary skill? The values in the first post look suspiciously similar, wouldn't the theory be simpler/better if we just assume it's the same in all ten types? Especially since it is apparently claimed by the same theory that training speed for secondary skills is identical across types.
My impression is that training speeds are slowing back down again. Haven't heard any official words, but that's my observations.SteveBruins
My experience of training in my first full season also suggests training has slowed (in comparison to the norms set forth for newbies go from).My superstar potential 19 yr old (6'8") had 8 Rebounding trainings, and 1 Inside Defence training (all were at +48min) for C/PF's. He has yet to pop in Inside Defence which suggests the secondary training in R is more like 10weeks (10% or less), and the ID training is more like 4weeks (25%). Even at those rates he should have popped. I should add he currently is respectable in ID, with Strong R, Strong IS and Average SB for his major inside skills.My 8 Rebounding training in a row (I know, we should be alternating but I wanted to get a view on training speeds) gave me the impression that this 19yr old was getting about 50-55 %....which is sort of in line with the 1.75weeks that is estimated.That's my 10 cents worth.