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BB España > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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304526.62 in reply to 304526.61
Date: 6/5/2020 5:45:54 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Another example is Xoán Drundín, he was trained the whole last season with 1on1 or jump shot trainings and for my opinion he should've been trained inside skills, he would have less outside skills for next season but he would've help so much more this season, and still will help a lot next season.

Ooh man, you are so funny

Obviously I will not tell you about Xoan's training but you might be surprised.
And of course training him in inside primary abilities with 20 years old with his low potential, would be the best move ever hahahaha

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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304526.64 in reply to 304526.47
Date: 6/5/2020 6:07:47 AM
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Alon is running for your NT we already have a staff member replacing him as a from the runner for the u21 NT and if you wish for him to run your U21 go for it he is a great coach given he is young and have plenty to learn about his ppl skills maybe working with other culture will help him evolve there


I really hope I'm this replacement


Last edited by pamat0 at 6/5/2020 6:08:38 AM

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304526.66 in reply to 304526.65
Date: 6/5/2020 12:09:24 PM
CD Numancia
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De verdad te lo digo que pensaba que nos estabas troleando, pero ya he visto ahora que no.

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304526.67 in reply to 304526.65
Date: 6/5/2020 12:54:06 PM
CD Numancia
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Excuse me for my poor lvl of English.

I met Gai Assulin and i have a photography with him when he played in Barcelona. Benayoun what a player!! Too much quality in his boots.

You are a football fan you said, if Guardiola wants to be the best manager of history he needs to win something with Numancia, Valladolid, Osasuna... i can win too with his squads in Barcelona, munich and manchester the national leagues.

Why do you want to train Spain and not for example Portugal or UK?

From: CUSE

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304526.70 in reply to 304526.36
Date: 6/6/2020 6:01:52 AM
Green Bay Knicks
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GB Knicks Atlètic
Me da que vas a ser el nuevo seleccionador judio.

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304526.71 in reply to 304526.68
Date: 6/6/2020 6:50:48 AM
Great Fires
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Second Team:
Great Fires Academy
Llego tarde a la fiesta, porque nadie me envió un WhatsApp que el foro estaba tan animado?

Question for the candidate: Why you choose Spanish U21 and not continue your brilliant career with the Israel's U21 or try to promote to your own NT?

Traducción: Porque elige la selección sub21 española y no sigue con su exitosa carrera con la sub21 israelí o ir a por la absoluta?

Traducció al català perquè hi ha gent que tampoc ho enten i en aquest país es parlen més idiomes, qui vulgui que ho tradueixi al gallec o al vasc que malauradament jo no els parlo: Perquè coi escull venir a la selecció sub21 espanyola i no seguir tocant els nassos amb la seva pròpia selecció o si ja no el suporten a la sub21 que ho intenti amb la absoluta?
