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BuzzerBeater Arenas

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From: Heathcoat

To: ned
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56772.61 in reply to 56772.60
Date: 2/22/2009 11:17:31 AM
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There are some threads discussing this around. The response to taxes on arenas are not very positive though. I doubt the BB's are springing this on us soon. Just my opinion.

From: ned

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56772.62 in reply to 56772.61
Date: 2/22/2009 11:19:53 AM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Thanks ;) I've seen some discussions about it but really I didn't remember the position that BBs taken about this matter, thanks.

1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et
From: CrazyEye

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56772.63 in reply to 56772.59
Date: 2/22/2009 11:20:00 AM
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My salaries went up almost 50% this season, and yet I made more this season then last. Almost all players are capping out at around 50k-75k in salary, only a very very small % are high potential players that are starting to break that.

i will check that in some week, don't forget people buy like frenzy in the PO ;)

If you need a 40k+ arena to afford the best players, then that's the only place they will exist. If you want to be able to compete for the best players, then you'll have to spend around 10m to catch up. (you do know how long it takes to make 10m in the current economy, right?)

So the thing is if you catch up 1 million only for the arena plus 10 Million for the rooster(the second ten million are pretty small) with smaller income, or 10 +10 with higher income both takes a while.

And take a look at the linked team above, i fixed now the link, he has probadly managed to have a good rooster and a nice arena.

But the main question is how fast should it be possible to get through the leagues? If you like an fast way which must inflation in the team, it would be best when the income differences betwenn the leagues are small and even the impact off the arena. But if you think it ok that it take some season to catch up the best of the 1000 team who start before you, i think also the current system works.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 2/22/2009 11:23:38 AM

From: brian

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56772.64 in reply to 56772.63
Date: 2/22/2009 11:45:33 AM
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But the main question is how fast should it be possible to get through the leagues?

It depends on how well you manage and how patient you are. But, if a team starts today, and does really well pulling in say 500k in profit a season, (I have no idea if that's realistic for lower division teams, but that's what I made minus the cup bonuses), getting to the 20m number you proposed is doing to take a long long time. And that's just getting to where top teams are today, remember they will still be progressing during that time.

Like I mentioned before, we still have no idea what the limit is to how much revenue can be made by further arena expansion. What if there's a net gain up to 60, 70k arenas? Then the amount it will take to catch up only gets more daunting.

Last edited by brian at 2/22/2009 11:46:42 AM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
From: CrazyEye

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56772.65 in reply to 56772.64
Date: 2/22/2009 11:53:23 AM
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bbut you also have to agree that 10 million for rooster is pretty low? I would say you had to pay for the S5, 17 Miollions and you need backup near that qualty, and with a bigger arena you earn that money also faster ;) So the moment you reach point X wasn't that different, i think.

If you watch the tall Black(also in ym league) take a look at the vip lounges, and compare that to mine, so you could think about how sensefull that size is, even the break point in bleacher for mid class team is much smaller then for the top teams. I have half of the beleacher like the bulls, and i also sold the half with the same ticket prices^^

From: Heathcoat

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56772.66 in reply to 56772.64
Date: 2/22/2009 12:01:10 PM
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if a team starts today, and does really well pulling in say 500k in profit a season, (I have no idea if that's realistic for lower division teams, but that's what I made minus the cup bonuses), getting to the 20m number you proposed is doing to take a long long time. And that's just getting to where top teams are today, remember they will still be progressing during that time.

the amount it will take to catch up only gets more daunting.

In my first season after spending my seed money on players, and getting Doc/TR/PR of 2,4,2 I squireeled every dollar I made into my arena. Was able to build 750 seats. Daunting indeed. If I win today and move up to III I am allready in trouble from an arena standpoint. My opponent has been playing 3 seasons and has built 178 seats.

This Post:
56772.67 in reply to 56772.66
Date: 2/22/2009 12:18:23 PM
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How is it such a big issue with fundraising to build arena?

When in lower divisions you should keep the salaries down and train a few players real hard. Sell them when they are still fresh enough to be trained more and repeat. 500-700K is seldom a problem to get for semiyoung players with strong in 3 or more skills (example). That's 2,5 to 3,5K seats. I think this is possible to do at least a couple times a season. Don't worry about the level of your players just yet. When you have the arena bigger you get more cash and can buy new ones later on.

So it is by no means only a race to build arenas only, you have to balance the rest to get there, and the results of a bigger arena goes into a better team until.... you reach a division where you must give it all to stay there and don't have the capabilities to train and sell anymore, whereas if you haven't built arena yet you are screwed(in a non-sexual way aka "in a tight spot").

This Post:
56772.68 in reply to 56772.57
Date: 2/22/2009 12:35:47 PM
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in germany the teams have the"advantage" that every team chose the same strategy of growth,so every team build enormous arenas,but building weakest team in the short period(and this is saying by evaluations,it is objective).Now you have the results of your strategy,having great arenas and starting to growing great national teams.
But the point is another;by now you have a great advantage on the TL and on the specialist market,that continue to grow;the request for taxes based on arena sizes and not on the division level is a way to decrease it,not to cancel it,while other countries reach your actual level,as the taxes based on division was a way to punish the teams which only made his attention on the roster,forgetting completely the arena(mainly italian teams),and as the taxes on day trading was made to punish teams which not trained their player,but using only daytrading to win
The aim of BBs is to make BB a complete management game,in which a user have to look at all these aspects,but also to give the possibility to evry user to reach the top level.By now,some teams have too many advantage to every other teams and there is the risk that the existent gap will never filled
Just my two cents

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/22/2009 12:38:09 PM

This Post:
56772.69 in reply to 56772.68
Date: 2/22/2009 12:40:51 PM
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if yu started early with extra on the arena, and invest the half of the extra Money in new places you would be at a good level today, without making much compremiss with your succes.

If you now have to bouild 10-15k places in a short time, with balance around zero there is a problem. Maybe you had to play like the bulls 2-3 season below your possibilites to rebuild your infrastructure.

This Post:
56772.70 in reply to 56772.69
Date: 2/22/2009 12:49:30 PM
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I think that in a mangerial game had to exist some objective in the short period and some objectives in a long period,to give a user a reason to continue the game.
If i had to start immediately to build my arenas,and play for many seasons in the lower division,with any possibility to play at higher levels,with maybe only the objective to grew a NT player like a hen-pen,not showing the ability of a manager...i don't think many people play this kind of game.And the Bulls aren't a good example,because they started early to play,when the level was very low and they have the possibility to thinking quietly to the arena,without many preoccupations on the roster level

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56772.71 in reply to 56772.70
Date: 2/22/2009 12:51:24 PM
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so what about the flying munchkins?
