So as a newbie you list him at 300k. Does that mean he can not be sold at 1,5?
no, but when the tpe is often non existent or 500% off(maybe also in the other direction?), doesn't that mean that they know tit.
And for listning to low, you get propblem with the times zones etc. Take a look at this post, i found accidently today when going into "global" ->
(135029.104)I'm glad that you pointed this out, as it actually supports this suggestion. Newbies should use tpe, so list your player at 300k, it does not matter if you eventually (after a bid war) receive 800k
or loose their founds because they think he is worth 5* of it, and have to find the right price through testing it, or recognize after listening the player to low that they lost lot of money because he was worth much more.
Now if you think you are all that supermanager and think you know about all the player prices
currently i am not that manager, which makes yourr suggestion even more bullshit, as you heard i have one tpe'd player in my team. I normally had to ask my "transfer guru" to get an idea how much money i could get for my players when i sell them, not everyone have a transfer guru like me who they could ask. With buying the problem is smaller because you normally watch at more then one player, for selling i at least don'Ät have fun to plan this ahead 7-10 days to find the right comparision and get their final prices.