I am really scared. If the list isn't up in the next 45 minutes it means that I won't have enough time to edit the list before the draft happens on June 28th. I will have only 13 days! My spread sheets and algorithms are so complex that having anything less than a full 336 hours to evaluate my imaginary draft prospects puts my entire draft plan in jeopardy and ruined my entire summer.
I don't understand how the servers hosting a massive multiplayer game where 99% of the managers don't pay a cent to play are struggling to process the creation of tens of thousands of new imaginary players from scratch while also accommodating high volume message boards and the simulation of a hundred or so national team games which include live chats. Who is running this updating effort, British Petroleum? I demand justice!
Everyone chill out. This has less than zero negative consequences for you, your real life or your (most likely free) imaginary basketball team.
We will still have 13 days to edit the order and we're all going to be royally disappointed about the quality of our draft picks anyway.
It makes no sense to say it will be released on one day, and then either wait til the last possible moment, or the next day, its obviously going to be an event in the season that players are anxious to see. I don't care if they said it was coming out on the 20th at 12:00, but just try to meet that time. It just makes business sense to meet deadlines, particularly arbitrary ones they set well in advance. If its difficult for the servers to process it, then have the lists released at a more manageable date, unless there were unforeseen circumstances in which case provide better communication. And for some reason, I think of this as a business as opposed to the BB's doing this out of the goodness of their hearts to 99% of us lowly non-supporters who should be grateful for whatever they provide.
Sorry, as a non-supporter I should probably stop using the high volume message boards now.