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Why oh why is your jumpshot so high?

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From: B.B.King

This Post:
193114.63 in reply to 193114.61
Date: 8/5/2011 1:08:53 PM
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Agree, better than previous.

From: Phantum

This Post:
193114.65 in reply to 193114.64
Date: 8/5/2011 5:19:00 PM
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And most importantly he said he mostly runs motion when his ideal SG has this much passing...

This Post:
193114.66 in reply to 193114.60
Date: 8/5/2011 6:26:13 PM
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anywhere would be a win for me.....

This Post:
193114.67 in reply to 193114.62
Date: 8/5/2011 6:31:12 PM
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Weak......he did this to you...
(36144411) and he almost out rebounded your C.....hahahahahaha
He really isn't my Ideal SG but he is the best SG I have ever had.....see, these other guys are talking about their DREAM SG's but will probably never own one...Sure, more passing would be cool but if I have a level 16 passer at PG and a level 12 at SF, someone has to shoot right? He is my go to guy...and he never gets outscored by the other teams SG....

Last edited by Yellow cake at 8/5/2011 10:20:09 PM

From: MacMade
This Post:
193114.68 in reply to 193114.21
Date: 8/5/2011 8:58:38 PM
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I think the reason with highly unequal JS/JR is that the G is programmed to shoot based on their JS stat, however JR impacts their shots but not their shot decision. So a high JS G will take very contested shots while his JR doesnt back him up. In the mean time, a G with a lower JS stat that is similiar to his JR will shoot easier shots because he is programmed to think he wont make harder shots and therefore his JR backs him up equivalently too. Just a theory.

From: Murl

This Post:
193114.69 in reply to 193114.68
Date: 8/5/2011 9:11:19 PM
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I give that a ball. Good theory! It's very likely too.

From: MacMade

This Post:
193114.71 in reply to 193114.70
Date: 8/5/2011 9:53:30 PM
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That last sentence is gold. I wanted to say something like that in my theory posted above. I agree with you, the system programs the player to shoot based on his Js but his other skills just dont back him up.
