I also have different feelings.
I like and appreciate the effort of renewing the game, but I think the improvements have been made in some unnecessary aspects. The novelty of the resistance is right, those drops are painful and for the teams that train players it bothers us a lot to have to stop training to give that training.
But what I really do not like are two things:
1- The moment of the announcement and its entry into force in the middle of a season, with all that that implies.
2- The plus in training for players 18 and 19 years. Not for the idea itself, but for the moment of entry into force, for example it could have been like this: "in season 44 will begin to integrate a new type of coach for players 18 and 19 years." I think it is a GREAT INJUSTICE for those managers that this season or the previous one made a large outlay to sign 18-year-old draft players. Surely they thought, "Well, I'm going to rebuild the team and I'll do it with 3 top prospects, which together with the level 6 or 7 coach that I just bought, will make me have no rival in the national team within 10 seasons." But no, because now with that youth coach any player of a younger year, can easily improve with those 2 season of training.
That's why I think this entry into force right now, and not having announced it to begin in two seasons.