I been reading this thread a long time now, without saying anything. I just had enough. How can you whine about this minor change?
because the direction they want to fix was clear like the first change, and i am pretty sure that they would be able that the first arena formula won't give them 20k arenas. Thats thing you could easily calculate, when you know the sth limit of the top clubs.
And they are warned.
You are not even maxed out with your courside prices
yeah because i was still in deconstruction, at the end of last season and then i had to make a big deconstruction because time was running out ... last season was only build expensiv seats, and deconstruct a few cheap seats to react on the changed they made. This cost me some million, becuase of the missing time and the progressing of the money.
Now they punish me forever, which is pretty fine and have to do with planing.
Changing the price will give you exactly the same income -> maybe even more.
if this was the case, more expensiv seats won't be a problem ;) I don't want to max them out, i want to go for maximum visitor on the more expensiv seats, and max the prices out in the silly to have seats - thats was the plan. Maxing out prices uncapped, lowers your income and not increased it.
People started to build more courtsides and luxury boxes -> eventually that would make 10000 courtside seats and 1000 luxury boxes. Leaving ~9000 places for those two cheaper prices seats. BB-s saw that trend happening so they wanted to stop it before it got out of hand. We can all agree that that kind of arena setup would be really bogus. Arenas are mostly made of bleachers and that's how it should be.
then why they don't watch for it, when it was time? And why are 500 courtside seats ok, but the 501 wasn't courtside anymore? Normally you pay Cat. 1-X with different prices, and not courtside etc. ok the VIP places are often called like their function, but in europe that aren't thoses boxes they are mostly like conference room with a view for the game(so also the expensiv coast are explained)/maybe more luxury seats would explain the other fdifferences too.
Now this change affects really small number of users.
I could believe that a lot of people will regret it, who actually had more then 8k bleachers, with the old distribution this won't be that bad, and probadly better because you reach the 20k earlier and can put more money on few seats.
Many of which are not actually affected (like you -> reasons: price change, income gathered from those seats while they were in effect + getting all the construction money back).
I am affected through it, when other managers have better contributions then me, because they get more money then me - and that is no planning error on my side.