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Economy (thread closed)

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152075.64 in reply to 152075.63
Date: 7/21/2010 10:47:33 AM
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NO!Because if you want really to improve,you have to learn how to train players,and how to manage your team trying to make the right decision between the training and the competitivity in the short period
Giving more money to the users who yet have it because their teams yet aren't able to reach a competitive level,would not help them to improve their skills...this kind of strategy would help them on the transfer list,but would not stimulate to improve thier abilities in training their players,and if you train well your players,you can grow up faster than any move of market you can be able to do,because you can improve with every training every week.Buying a strong player,will help you right away,but your team will not improve quickly if you fail in training your young players

I´m not sure if I get you wrong or if you get me wrong.

In some countries,the users who take the advantage at the start of their game,have continued to enlarge their advantage over the seasons,becaue their adaversaries do not cover their disadvantage,and when these teams started to meet other experienced managers on the international fields(Federations,BBB and private leagues),the leader teams learned new skills and continue to improve

Part of this is true, and especially being able to stay in the first division without competition from second division have created gaps. But like I´m saying thees gaps are closing, second division teams get stronger and first division have to spend more to stay on top and soon they will not be able to stay in first division without having a balance close to 0.
Many users in the less competitive countries still doesn't understand that they have all the economical and technical possibilities to grow,but they have to do it with their legs,without waiting to have enough money to buy another player and doesn't try to improve their teams every week

And you base this statement on?

In conclusion I would say, that training your players the right way and managing your team right becomes increasingly important in mature leagues like Italy rather than in smaller countries.

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152075.65 in reply to 152075.64
Date: 7/21/2010 11:11:01 AM
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1)I understand your thought,but I completely disagree with it.Less competitive countries hasn't economical problems that stop them in their growth,they don't need to have more money to rise the level of the competition in their countries

2)The gaps between divisions in these countries are closing,but not as faster;in many countries there It will take a long time,and in some countries maybe it will ever may closed...but during this period of time,due to the economic situation,many teams of the medium divisions of the mature countries will have great disadvantages on the market,and that's the real question

3)Train your players,and manage your team in the right way become increasingly important also in the less competitive countries,because if these teams will continue to lean mainly on the market to improve their teams,who will take the advantage on this aspect on the game will became unbeatable in these countries,while there will always be an hard challange for everyone is at the top in the mature countries

This Post:
152075.66 in reply to 152075.61
Date: 7/21/2010 12:57:59 PM
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1. Ofcourse, the daytraders are not the only ones, they just do it constantly.
2. You do not have to call anyone names in order to insult somebody. I understand what you ment by your sentence, I just showed you that people might take different things as an insult. If I was a bit "challenged" from the neck up. I would have thought you had made a compliment. Implying I look younger, thus time has not taken it's toll on me yet.
Please be my babysitter? :O Comon, you can do it! ;) And btw you don't have to appoligize, just like on basketball court, you are enemys if you play for different sides. Still when the game is over you can be friends again and drink beer together (or water, or whatever you like). People have different opinions and it would be a boring world without that.

Last edited by Kukoc at 7/21/2010 1:57:39 PM

This Post:
152075.67 in reply to 152075.65
Date: 7/21/2010 1:03:18 PM
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It has been stated here that, even if Italy get's a raise in income. Teams in Italy III div have 300k income at the moment and are using all of that for salarys, raising that income to 400k for everyone, just raise the salarys near 400k. Nothing really changes. You need to find a way, how you can be better managing that 300k, than the next guy in your league. It does not matter in which country you play at, the goal is still the same. Be better than your league mate with nearly the same income.

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152075.68 in reply to 152075.67
Date: 7/21/2010 1:33:19 PM
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It does not matter in which country you play at, the goal is still the same. Be better than your league mate with nearly the same income.

Yeah,but that's not the point.
The point is that,for all my league mates and for me,our incomes are too low,for the level that our team reach,related to the incomes of other users with less expenses and more incomes than the ours because they have weaker teams,but that steal us players on the market
It's not a thing of one user of one Italian III division,it's a thing of all the users of all the Italian III divisions,including the best and the worst users and teams.And this is not only a national question,Italy is an example,but in the more competitive country there is almosty the same situation.
And you can't say that this is a temporary situation,that exist in few season in which the less competitive countries became stronger,because this situation happens from many seasons,and isn't fair for us because the market is GLOBAL

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152075.69 in reply to 152075.66
Date: 7/21/2010 1:34:25 PM
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In any market there are always traders. You either live with it or you stay out of the market. Of course, the latter tends to make life difficult. I am not saying it is impossible, I have seen teams do it. Just difficult.

Your view reminds me of my mother-in-law who refuses to move, because she knows person x bought house y for a really cheap price 15 years ago. Of course, prices have changed a lot since then and person x has probably made a killing. But even so, why would you keep living in the ghetto if you have the money to get out? Can't you just be happy for person x and move on?

On the other hand, if you are me you would probably find more success from staying out of the market, but that is a completely different story.

Finally, if we take this comparison a little bit further, the BB economy at the moment resembles some 3rd world economy that just can't get it right. It is like a country that had 100% inflation for one year, followed by one year of 200% deflation. Yes, in this kind of economy there will be winners and losers and in the end we will probably all be ok. But wouldn't the preference be to just have a constant, small inflation, so everyone can get a handle on the market and figure things out? At the moment I am just completely confused and have no idea where the market is going next, and really no enthusiasm to try and figure it out.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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152075.70 in reply to 152075.68
Date: 7/21/2010 2:07:34 PM
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But what do you suggest? Raise income of all big user country divisions? Lower income for smaller country (exponentially ofcourse depending on country size)? If you raise the income for example Italy divIII to the same level as Thai divI. That would mean Italy divI would be really over the top looking at Thai divI. In that case there is no point of having B3 any more (as the great players can only be owned by big country's divI teams). I'm just saying that for every division there is somewhat of a income cap.
You are always saying that people steal good players infront of you, because they have more income, but they steal the same players from your leaguemates and even if you could get those players, you can not withstand their salary (if you could get anyone you want). I'm just saying nomatter how much you raise the bar you still cap out at some point. We can not force the game to be "big country only" as that would be the only way to the top. Laim has shown that you can be the best team even from the big country.

Last edited by Kukoc at 7/21/2010 2:09:19 PM

This Post:
152075.71 in reply to 152075.70
Date: 7/21/2010 2:37:26 PM
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BB economy has a huge structural problem,the financial equilibrium would exist if all the country of the game would have a certain size to fit the first III divisons;with this size,almost all the country would have some competitive leagues,and in this way almost all the countries would have a similar economical situation(close to 0or to +50k,or evrybody else BBs established)
The real solution would be to create regional leagues for the countries that are not able to reach a certain size,for example if you put all the african countries in one league,you would have over 150 users instead of an average of 20 users for nation,with all the things related
This decision,that would be right,would read to revolution many things of the game,as the question of the national teams to solve

But,at this point,I think is too late to made a similar decision
At this point,the BBs had to decide if listen the problems of great part of the players,who had to afford a real competition in the more competitive and biger countries,or of a little part of the users that are advantaged by the actual situation but play in boring leagues with few competitivity.
Till now,the users of the greater countries were always penalized,hoping that the situation of disequilibrium could solve with the time,but we have seen that in the main number of cases is impossible
So the only solution that could be a little more fair to everyone,is to reward more the competitivity than with the actual TV contract and merchandising system,because potentially every team of every country has the possibility to improve and so lead his country to have greater incomes.Actually,this solution would help surely the main part of the users of the bigger countries,but would not to be impossible for the users of small countries to close the gap.Surely the incomes of the smaller countries hadn't to be diminuished,but the incomes of the more competitive countries has to increase,especially for the teams of the middle divisions of these countries(the difference in the I divisions all over the world,as you can see from TV contracts,is closing up with a good speed)

From: Ozzy
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152075.72 in reply to 152075.71
Date: 7/21/2010 4:44:06 PM
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Economy... I will ask you just one question... when I sold player for "too high" price then BB take money from me because they want to make balance in economy. Ok, I understand that. But what happen when I sell player bellow any logical and acceptable price???? Why BB dont give me some milion more to balance that too?

Yes, I have sold few days ago center with 160k salary for 1,6 million!!!! Player who bought that center has sold his 80k center for 1,8 million and then buy my center cheaper! Player who had 10+ less primary skills has been sold cheaper!

This is just one example! Last season I have offer 9 million for one player, this season I cant sell him for 7 million!

Economy in BB is terrible! There is not balance in any way!

From: ned
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152075.73 in reply to 152075.1
Date: 7/21/2010 5:54:21 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Well I want to have 1 ball again Very nice idea the introduction of the balls :p
I repeat what I've written some posts above. If there is a "natural" trend I don't see any trouble, the real problem is when the price goes up and down because someone decides something wrong in the salary, in tv, in merchandising or in forecast about new players. I'm 100% sure that a lot of people is waiting the hands of the BBs to put their players on the market. If they know for sure that this trend will not change, they will be forced since now to put their players on the TL. In Italy the opinion is that today is better to wait, from my side if I sell now a player at 4m I'd like to not see any intervention cause this intervention will devaluate the money. And that's the second point, even if I'm able to sell someone at 4m I risk a lot taking in bank these moneys, very bad situation.

Some words of BBs should be apprechiate here, we can't continue after 13 season to not be able to sell or buy cause we are worried about a possibile your decision. I want to change my roster but is impossible cause the market is frozen but consider that if now you put more money in the system you will give a big penalty to the teams that are selling someone in these days.

Last considerations about economy...
1) merchandising is horrible, you can't give money to people that was lucky in the draft
2) a drafted was sold at 6m, what did the previous owner to have a gift of 6m? Once again he was lucky

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