I just got Henrique Forjaz in leaderboards. He's 5 in Points Per Game and 5 in Rebounds. Unfortunately he's not homegrown. Fortunatley theres Buzzer Manager; Coleman's catching up in laederboards. He's 20th right now in Rebounding. He'll be starting against mi4mi. So that's an easy game. So he can get up to 11 rebounds a game soon, which will put him in 15th. If he keeps getting 14 rebounds a game, he'll be at 14 soon. Which is 4th. So by the all-star break I hope to have 2-3 guys in leaderboards; Mikey Johnson, James Coleman, and Henrique Forjaz.
3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!