We have an all Aussie Private league run by koopasaurus and myself, and are looking for some extra teams next season. We currently have 16 teams but some will not be returning. If we get enough interest we will be expanding to two divisions. We have the teams divided into two big sides and produce our own weekly ladder. There are prizes of free supporter on offer to a member of the winning side. We also have an MVP race with weekly updates posted and there has been discussion about offering a prize of free supporter for one of the top 10 MVPs as well.
We also have a VERY active community. Our PL thread which is only a few weeks old already has 853 posts making it probably the fastest growing thread in Australia. It is located in the Australia - IV.7 league folder as that is where several of the teams like myself, Naker Virus, Ezlife, Xerxes and Possum Pete come from.
We are looking for teams that are medium to strong division III or weak to medium division II.
If you are interested just drop into our forums and introduce yourself. Our current season has AGES to go, at least 8 weeks I think, but I thought I would let people know now before they joined another PL that went even longer and missed out.