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Suggestions > World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

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From: CrazyEye

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167495.65 in reply to 167495.64
Date: 1/6/2011 10:53:46 PM
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So if you are 5 rounds deep in a cup and earning extra revenue from it then some guy who lost in the first round is gonna have an advantage league wise since they only scrimmage on Thursdays. This is THE SAME whether tourneys are national or international.

Every team in teh GAME would subject to the same draw system, so if you are saying its fair to have the same odds in the national draws which I point out aren't always fair... then dude they would be fair in an international draw by your logic.

on national cup u have the same chanches with the draw, in an international with your modell not when you play different cup then your league mates. This could even encourage people to play lower cup, because of more rounds, more income and more tie. Yeah maybe even this team get kicked out, but the prohability for this is different.

Everything you have now offered as a reason not to do international tourneys is a reason not even to do national tourneys

so fair draw is since u got the same rohability and income is fixed, ok but maybe didn't count for u. International tourney everyone speaks german and japanese dream on ;) U are really the best of a fixed group, i though country was one. Ranked from X to Y isnÄt it really, and would get lost in several tournament(if i win german cup i could say i am german cup winner, and most german would realise it. If you make a cup for third league only it is also something which is a fixed competion, and more or less random draw by rating without a working community around it i would miss that especially because the most including me don't understand the ranking system).

Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/6/2011 10:55:36 PM

From: CrazyEye

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167495.73 in reply to 167495.68
Date: 1/8/2011 4:37:28 AM
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someone else argued for removing national tourneys infavor of international

de facto you are always saying that you want to remove the national, for international ones ;) Because you don't play national anymore when you paly international(and yes i know in international one they speak all your language ;) ), and there is no meaningful national champ left with the guys who play the national one.

I also said that the prizes for higher tourneys (so national tourney teams income) would be HIGHER and that people should get a BASE amount based on what tourney they qualified. So the 500th team would by default be advantaged over the 501st.

so really the 500 team who get for their one game(he is the favorit to fly out of the cup the first round), so much money that he could afford a better roster(to compensate the TIE which a gift to the 501) and so much the 501 team earned when he gets in round 5 or 6 or even maybe win it?

So the 500 get money for each game let say 700k, and the 501 get maybe 100 to make it fair, do you really want so much disparity? And want really to have this one calculated with a similiar formula then the tv money, where the top group have to pay 100k more salary in average to get 10k more money?(which is far away from those money who give a advantage to team 500)

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.75 in reply to 167495.74
Date: 1/8/2011 5:09:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
If you are in the national, you are in the national, if you are in an international you are in an international. Some teams will get a national tourney and large nations would all still have a national tourney

and you don't play an national cup who is at least lot more attractive then your meaningless cup builds ;)

As I tried to outline, a bottom end team would get a ffew hundred in their tourney, say 500bucks or so a week whether they win or lose. A top league would get maybe 10k or 20k everyweek (for BBB)


Currently with national tourneys, as you point out, you can't devote your energy 100% to both very easy. You can't CT in one without doing some TIEs in the other enthusiasm wise. If somebody is in your tournament, say the BB3 but in a weeker league, say they are in JBBL and they have an enthusiasm advantage because they can TIE regular season without demoting, don7t worry. This means they have less revenue to begin with, they have hit a glass ceiling. You have the option of TIEing regular season and CTing them in the cup

could you imagine, that the TIE in Cup is worth a lot? I don't play the cup for money, whe i put energy in it mostly for future TIE(or when i am lucky to get to the final rounds)

So this money difference must be huge to make up to extra TIE's, so that yous till have an advantage.

And as i said, in nippon you only a punished with the tv income. Old teams in weaker country earn, the same entry money then old ones in mine when they are succesful(and this is much easier, in germany you have to put more effort in winning away games then when you play a rooster with haldf of your quality and that could make up to 100k difference). But this isn't much important for me, it is just a clarification for you because you always arguing that nippon get much less money, with ignoring that they have not yet the arenas .

So don7t worry your advantage stays intact

no it doesn't when some other dudes of my league, play weaker cups ;) Because the bit more price money, don't buys me enthusiam.

Wanting to win your cup AND your league is just greedy dude. You can't complain aobut lower teams enthusiasm advantage.

With the current system i didn't target it, look at my cup runs ;) And which teams kicked me out, before you saying that i want this for winning both ;)
