Máximo Sáenz Aragón (4173868)Sueldo semanal: $ 39 028
DMI: 119600
Edad: 23
Altura: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potencial: Allstar *
Forma: respetable
tremendo Alcance de tiro:
sensacionalDef. exterior:
sensacional Manejo:
destacadoPenetración: regular Pases:
excelenteTiro interior: pésimo Def. interior: mediocre
Rebotes: inepto Tapones: inepto
Resistencia: inepto Tiros libres: regular
Experiencia: inepto
Last edited by Ultron at 6/22/2009 7:11:40 AM
Once again, you have fallen for one of my classic pranks, BAZZINGA!
Why so Serious?
Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I am awesome. I am your bro—I am Broda!
What I'm Gonna Do with This Shouldn't Be Legal'