In regards to my most recent Cup game:
(49353774)After this game was over, I loaded my former match tactics for this game, and it showed up like this:
Starting PG: Delbert Rees / Backup PG: Delbert Rees / Reserve PG: Delbert Rees
Starting SG: Lee Matthews / Backup SG: Janne Pekkonen / Reserve SG: Janne Pekkonen
Starting SF: Tristan Cook / Backup SF: Niels Leduc / Backup SF: Niels Leduc
Starting PF: Bart Harrison / Backup PF: Nan Jiancai / Backup PF: Nan Jiancai
Starting C: Robert Gerhardsson / Backup C: Fabiano Soaxe / Reserve C: Fabiano Soaxe
Substituions: Depth Chart until 4th
Offense: Patient
Defense: 3-2 Zone
Foul Trouble: Let Them Play
Attitude: Take it Easy
All how I remember setting the lineup/tactics as.
However...Niels Leduc started at SF instead of Tristan CookFabiano Soaxe started at C instead of Robert GerhardssonThose were the 2 most glaring issues that stood out to me initially, but I haven't watched the whole game in its enitreity yet. As a result, Niels Leduc played 45 minutes, and Fabiano Soaxe played 42 minutes; something I wanted to avoid to maintain gameshape, hence the tactics. This has been my first time using "Depth Chart until 4th" in a very long time (some seasons ago), as I usually use "Strictly Follow Depth Chart", but according to the game manual:
You can submit your starter, a backup, and a reserve at each position using the depth chart. Your starter will typically play as many minutes as he can (as long as he is not tired and does not have foul trouble), and when a backup would be more effective, the coach will make a switch. Reserves are lower on the depth chart than backups.
The coach will sometimes use his own judgment to decide what the proper balance is between starters, backups, reserves, and even players on the bench but not in the depth chart at all. You can set the balance between how much coaches use their own judgment or defer to yours with the substitutions box. You can use entirely your judgment (Strictly Follow Depth Chart)
or you can use your depth chart strictly until the 4th quarter, then tell the coach to try and win the game however he thinks is best (Depth Chart until 4th).
According to this, I interpreted that at the very least, the starters I had set, would naturally start the game.
Going through the Bugs section, this seemed to be the most appropriate thread to post my "bug" in, and after briefly skimming through the Bugs section and this thread, I haven't read of anyone with a similar issue or of a "bug" directly tied to "Depth Chart until 4th".
Is this truly a bug? If it is a bug, is it a known bug? Also if it is a bug, will my game get fixed?
Let me know if you need any additional information or have any questions.
Thanks in advance!
(Sorry for the length of the post.)
Last edited by a-o at 8/30/2012 11:05:32 PM