Apologies; I have some personal issues with GLB higher-ups, and seeing it brought up when suggesting changes to a game I actually like causes me to react negatively.
I don't think BB wants users to spam referral links, though, and dangling free Supporter would cause this to happen. There is already an option to refer a friend to BB.
As far as the forums go, I do agree that the BB forum layout needs improvement, but honestly GLB forums are more of a community of users who joined during the period of actual growth in 2008, got to know each other, and hung around in the forums as the game collapsed around them. The forums grew more active after the game hit the skids, which is telling. GLB's forums helped it kill the game, too, after certain users who spent every second of every day kissing ass on the forums gained enough influence to pretty much have Bort do what they wanted him to do. You don't see favoritism in BB and I'd like it to remain that way.
In short, forum changes would need to be implemented very carefully, and GLB should NOT be used as the example.