when exhaustion kicks in- Anytime in the 4th quarter if the player has not been subbed out enough* during the course of the game, any action he makes may cause him to become exhausted.* There is a specific ratio of rest a player needs to be safe from exhaustion. For example, Subbing for 30 seconds in the first 3 quarters is not enough.
when exhaustion kicks in
Last season, we introduced the "Player Exhaustion Effect" which was created in order to counter short rosters. Due to concerns in training, we decided to turn off exhaustion in league games, until we could make it work better with training.I'm happy to announce that starting next season, we will implement the exhaustion effect in all league games. All elgible players for exhaustion, 27 years old and above, will only need 40 minutes per week in order to receive full training.There is still plenty of time left until S58 so we'll be looking for your feedback about this change!