You want more seats. BB-s want 500 courtside seats. Because they think it 500 fits more with that 20k "cap". Set a price that sells those 500.
BB wanted something around 2000 thousand, because they designed it so, they also raised this number one season before. But instead if saying in those 14 weeks, sorry we made soemthing wrong we react on it next season, they see the problem for more then 14 weeks to change it one day after you can not react to it anymore(i think i mention it first a half season before they change it - which they read and which made those cap propose idiotic and not pretty popular, even before they made it instead of designing fan numbers who fit to the desired size of the arena).
They choose to raise the importance of courtside, and the number of courtside seats you could sell, while implemting it and now they make more then a stepback after most player adjust to this change.
What the hell is this, now they punish me forever??? LOL? Make smaller constructions/deconstructions.
there are none, and personal i believe that more seats then the cap could also cost seats, in the expensiv areas. I paid for 5k seats for example i never used(only a half seasoN), and who cost me in future money.
They say this game is about planing and thinking ahead, but they now changed a part of the game to punish players who are planning and thinking ahead for making the rigth decision - and why? this time they make it for nothing, because the effect of the arena is unimportant like the BB said they just wanted to change it ... So they punish lot of users 2 times, for planing and thinking ahead. Such is frustrating and makes me angry thats why i try to make it public.
Change is good when it has a reason behind it.
Points who makes this silly:
- seats disappear
- you can not react
- good planning is punished
- it is more unrealisitic, because it is just a term with 500 courtside seats the seats aren't courtside too
- difference prices of the seats, are now unlogic because it didn't reflect the quality of the seat, and just the position(seats lower to the ground are normally cheaper)
-arena expansion is still unlogic(but i hope it stays), because you nomarlly can not expand a arena - in stead you should buy a new one.
they say it themself that it isn't necessary, and changenotthing in the globak economic
- unrealtistic
- less flexibility in building
Pro change:
- they pronounced, and first regret it three days after but then they won't change it back because people already could plan with it ... Sorry the time before was much longer, and we don't get an escape plan for this crap. But ok is it a pro argument i understand, because it shows how improtant planning is.