I don't want to create a new thread, so I'll post my message here.
Anybody else have noticed that the 19 yo have been boosted? In my particular case, 14 with five balls and between those 6 interviewed players, 5 were A+, 2 potential 5, 2 potential 4 and 2 potential 3.
In general, I found 22 five balls' players, 12 with 4 balls, 10 with 3 balls and 4 with two orange balls.
Talking about the 19 yo, from 23 players 14 were ranked as 5 balls, 4 were ranked as 4 balls, 4 were ranked as 3 balls and just one was ranked as 2 balls.
Looks like the Draft was tuned again but I don't know if was just good luck (hard to believe, statisticly speaking).
So, I'll be glad to hear you guys...