edit bba.properties and replace all www. to www2. - works great for me :)
Downloaded BB Amor, then changed bba.properties and everything worked, thanks!
And how true formula? Before that I used BBS with these formulas:
c = (([is] + [id] + [rb]) * 0.231 + [bl] * 0.154 + ([ha] + [pa]) * 0.077) * (1 + [pr] / 50)
pg = (([ha] + [pa]) * 0.231 + ([od] + [dr]) * 0.154 + ([js] + [jr] + [is]) * 0.077) * (1 + [pr] / 50)
pf = (([is] + [id]) * 0.2 + ([rb] + [bl]) * 0.15 + ([dr] + [pa]) * 0.1 + ([js] + [ha]) * 0.05 ) * (1 + [pr] / 50)
sg = (([ha] + [pa]) * 0.154 + ([js] + [jr]) * 0.231 + ([dr] + [od] + [is]) * 0.077) * (1 + [pr] / 50)
sf = (([js] + [jr] + [od]) * 0.154 + ([ha] + [pa] + [dr]) * 0.115 + ([is] + [id]) * 0.077 + [rb] * 0.038) * (1 + [pr] / 50)