Thank you and Iwen for your answers. Since I'm training him for U-21, I have to get maximum out of the training in his first three seasons; this means, for example, no 1 on 1 training for SF/PF as I would have loved, but mainly focusing on his primaries. I think U21 coach would like to see one pop more on OD and PA than two pops in IS, for example. I hope at the start of his 21 years, he looks something like this:
JS: 13 JR: 9
OD: 15 HA: 13
DR: 13 PA: 14
IS: 2 ID: 7
RB: 2 SB: 1
And FT awful. At the end of his U21 career, I will focus more on One on One for SF/PF as Iwen already said.