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154943.69 in reply to 154943.66
Date: 10/19/2010 6:39:48 PM
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What is this, 1850?

The problem with lack of American popularity has more to do with the more complex, Euro-influenced definition of success, as well as the consecutive cup and league tournaments. Americans are more results-oriented and fall into a strict win/loss dichotomy whereas Euro fans tend to concentrate a lot more on sport as a thing of beauty. In BB, this manifests itself when you see American users quit if it takes them a while to start winning, and you see our users not care or become confused by the cup as an additional competition. BB doesn't deliver results quickly enough, I guess, but it causes the main source of satisfaction to be the construction of your team.

Personally, I love it. Don't change a thing.

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154943.70 in reply to 154943.68
Date: 10/20/2010 12:42:06 AM
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I don't really think you understood my point at all, I did not say make the game aspects like GLB. I suggest that you re read it, it will be informative to you, as I described aspects that would be useful, such as the forums that GLB has had.

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154943.72 in reply to 154943.71
Date: 10/20/2010 12:37:59 PM
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He grew tired of us mere mortals.

From: Dawson

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154943.73 in reply to 154943.72
Date: 10/20/2010 3:20:21 PM
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He took his talents to South beach.

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154943.75 in reply to 154943.70
Date: 10/20/2010 5:37:48 PM
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Apologies; I have some personal issues with GLB higher-ups, and seeing it brought up when suggesting changes to a game I actually like causes me to react negatively.

I don't think BB wants users to spam referral links, though, and dangling free Supporter would cause this to happen. There is already an option to refer a friend to BB.

As far as the forums go, I do agree that the BB forum layout needs improvement, but honestly GLB forums are more of a community of users who joined during the period of actual growth in 2008, got to know each other, and hung around in the forums as the game collapsed around them. The forums grew more active after the game hit the skids, which is telling. GLB's forums helped it kill the game, too, after certain users who spent every second of every day kissing ass on the forums gained enough influence to pretty much have Bort do what they wanted him to do. You don't see favoritism in BB and I'd like it to remain that way.

In short, forum changes would need to be implemented very carefully, and GLB should NOT be used as the example.

From: BFiddy

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154943.77 in reply to 154943.73
Date: 10/21/2010 11:25:41 PM
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Jel wins the thread!
From: Dawson

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154943.78 in reply to 154943.77
Date: 10/22/2010 2:38:31 PM
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Have you heard that "Take your talents to Soutbeach" is the new word for manual autoeroticism?

Hey Preston, what are you doing at 8 tonight?

Oh man,I've got a BB game against Darkyjozef, but I'll probably just take my talents to South Beach instead of watching.

This Post:
154943.79 in reply to 154943.67
Date: 10/26/2010 4:54:16 PM
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I have to agree with you considering less than 1% of Americans are farmers and the number of people in prison far outweighs the number of farmers... yeah.

I honestly think that the waiting period when you register deters at least a small amount of people from actually playing the game, for the simple reason that they forget about it. That's just a very small amount though. I definitely agree that the European league style is something a lot of Americans don't understand or just don't like... a lot of people who are used to the "Win now" mentality and don't care if they're beating up on crappy teams will either be immediately be turned away from this game or quit once they promote and stop beating teams by 50.

In the end, I don't think anything should be changed about the structure of the game. It's a niche game in America and with some better promotion, the people who enjoy these games will find it. Referral links would definitely help, although I don't suggest rewarding players too heavily for referrals. Maybe 2-4 days of Supporter max.

Last edited by Hutch44 at 10/26/2010 4:54:51 PM
