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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

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From: BB-Marin

This Post:
26712.694 in reply to 26712.693
Date: 10/15/2012 7:39:54 AM
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Second Team:
It's not a bad idea, I'll see if I can find time to do it and follow up with fixes if needed.

This Post:
26712.698 in reply to 26712.694
Date: 10/21/2012 4:25:11 AM
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I seem to be another victim of a lineup bug. I set my lineup and it changed it on me, costing me training minutes and an important game that I should have easily won.

I know the initial response is, "maybe you didn't set it right." I certainly did. And, I've done the, "go to set your lineup" page and used the drop-down box to see what lineup was set. Only my SF was set in his position, all the rest are blank. There is no chance I would do that. I'm someone who check the lineup a fair few times before game day and then a few times on game day.

From: Tangosz

This Post:
26712.699 in reply to 26712.698
Date: 10/21/2012 11:07:45 PM
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Is it possible that you did a blank but had SFDC as the sub pattern? Cause your player types and minutes (e.g., big as starting PG, but backup PG an actual PG) are very similar to what I've gotten when I accidentally had SFDC rather than LCD.

From: Axis123

This Post:
26712.700 in reply to 26712.699
Date: 10/22/2012 2:07:13 AM
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Why would I leave all my players out except my SF? Even if I didn't set them, it would have gone to the default lineup, in which there are no blanks...

From: Tangosz

This Post:
26712.701 in reply to 26712.700
Date: 10/22/2012 5:28:53 AM
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you've never played a partial blank lineup?

From: Axis123

This Post:
26712.702 in reply to 26712.701
Date: 10/22/2012 5:53:42 AM
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you've never played a partial blank lineup?

A long time ago, maybe, but not this season or last. I had 9 players in the squad, but one player set. That's according to the "re-do roster" option, anyway.

Is there a way to report the bug or am I just going to have to deal with it? Anyone know?

This Post:
26712.703 in reply to 26712.702
Date: 10/22/2012 6:57:12 AM
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Is there a way to report the bug or am I just going to have to deal with it? Anyone know?

You have reported the bug. If there is any additional information you can provide that may be useful. Unfortunately, there may be absolutely nothing that can be done now for this particular case.

There have been similar reports in the past. The main issue is that the BBs have been unable to recreate the bug, and there is a certain setting in your lineup history (you loaded the lineup and saw that you only have your SF selected) which indicates that such information has been passed from you to the system. Now, you didn't necessarily do so (and this is what you claim), and this may be due to a system error of some kind. But how that error happens (if it happens) is not known. There is no proof that it actually has happened a single time. This is probably one of the most frustrating things for the BBs and it is frustrating also to those who may have been affected by the bug. Users obviously have every right to expect the lineup and tactic settings to work.
