Let's answer everything :D
How you are going to develop our country? Part of my project to develop Lubnan is here
(109408.8),the other part is to invite more Lebanese, but for that to happen i will need the help from you guys
How can we help? This is simple,inviting your friends and writing articles for web based game news sites.
How you are going to help new manager to understand training plans? I'll translate a excellent guide that teaches you everything about the game,such as training your team and how to use defensive and offensive tatics when you're going to set lineup.
How you are to select players? I will try to select specially complete players because i don't like monoskill.I want to create a bi/tri-skill for maximize our offensive/defensive power,so for this season i will try to convocate some attack specialist but they must have however a decent level of defense.
What's your plans for next two seasons? I think i've already answered here
If you have other questione i'm here :)
Last edited by Abdelaziz at 9/10/2009 5:29:27 PM