Now, to start translating this in BB terms, I think we find that the basic economic model is rather inside-out. How can BB get a grasp of fan interest in a country? Well, the closest thing we probably have is from looking at the total number of teams registered in each country. Baseball fans in Japan are very dedicated to the game, perhaps more “interest per capita” than in the U.S., yet the U.S. baseball league is larger and generates much more revenue. (I’m not going to start a debate on where the best baseball players are playing these days as it related to Japan.) So it should make sense that countries with more teams should generate more revenue in total, especially in the top leagues in those countries. However, in BB we find that a team in a country with only a few teams can make as much money as a team in country with thousand of teams. Where is the logic in that? Now I understand that to make countries with fewer registered teams “poor leagues” may discourage participation from those countries, particularly with regard to international tournaments and private leagues. But what negative side effects could this create? Well, for one, it means that teams in large countries that need to kick and claw their way into the top leagues (it really ain’t easy!) just to make those big top division gate receipts that come so easily in countries with few teams in them, have a really difficult time participating in the Transfer List auctions. Every time a D.II team from the U.S. or Spain or another country with many many teams loses a bid to a team from, say, Panama (no offense to Panama, where there are 40 teams, and more than player one with a $140k salary!), like has happened to my team many times, I wonder how hard that other team worked to stockpile the cash to outbid my team with only my D.II income. And if the worst that could happen to some teams in these countries with fewer teams is to relegate as far down as a D.II (while in the U.S. a team could sink as low as D.V), it’s a fairly quick recovery for these teams back to elite status and being able to bite back in to the TL again.
So maybe this whole post gets morphed into the Suggestions area if we come up with something. I would suggest there should be a country modifier to every league’s attendance, merchandise, and TV revenue, one that should reflect the overall interest in the BB leagues in the country, as measured by the total number of teams. (It should be an exponential formula to temper the modifier so that the larger countries are too extreme in augmentation of revenue.) The goal isn’t to bankrupt the smaller countries, but rather to make sure that a team in the 10th percentile in one country is at the very least on par in terms of revenue with another team in the 10th percentile of any other country, and for revenues to be a little closer to reality while blunting the negative affects the current system has on the Transfer List.
Okay, folks, let’s find ways of constructively agreeing or disagreeing with my thoughts on this matter. I’ve been thinking on this stuff for a while, and I don’t think my thoughts are fully cooked, but I wanted to get them out there while the subject is heating up here in the Forum.
Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!