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Lazy Coach Theory...

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13100.7 in reply to 13100.5
Date: 1/19/2008 12:56:27 PM
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ok the wage we can forget.

but maybe we could setup a list with all coaches and there first drop, to find out if the clones drop after the same time.

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13100.8 in reply to 13100.1
Date: 1/19/2008 10:55:06 PM
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He has trained JS and stamina (maybe 1 week of passing thrown in) and I have trained allsorts... could it be to do with variety keeps them more interested and therefore more able to retain their skill level at training or is this just an early morning silly conclusion?

ie. If you have a decent coach... use him in lots of areas to keep him as effective as possible?

No, that's completely independent of each other.

I believe the staff skill drops are completely random, and I do know that staff do not have skill sublevels.

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13100.9 in reply to 13100.8
Date: 1/19/2008 11:05:56 PM
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mmh but there must be something what makes them drop. or you think there is kind of weekly random lottery for a skilldown? maybe they got a hidden age?

maybe we could find out if 2 coaches same name and wage drop after the same time.

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13100.10 in reply to 13100.9
Date: 1/20/2008 11:24:25 AM
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possibly it indeed is a little random factor, and a big timefactor.
The bigger the time gets (the longer you have him) the more chance you have for him to drop.
The little random factor makes it so that it is unpredictable.

Very possible theory.

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13100.11 in reply to 13100.6
Date: 1/20/2008 1:51:04 PM
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well lets see as and when he drops and report it sorry to those that all has Cristobal as Im sure now he is due a drop!

i've had C. Key since i started playing BB (november 2007) and still he doesn't drop levels... is it too soon? how long will be before they start going lazy?