This situation is very sad.
The problem must be solved, of course, speaking in a peaceful manner as we are doing now, and for that I thank you.
I think you noticed that every time an Italian post a comment on global, immediately becomes object of criticisms as "Italians only know how to complain ..." This situation leads to tough comparisons, misunderstandings, sarcasms, inappropriate remarks and does not lead to a real solution, as in this case.
Frankly in the midst of this pandemonium of opinion, the explanation given by Charles did not seem very understandable, at least, I have not fully understood .. he said that the sections of the Italian forum workload our moderators, in short, that were slightly unnecessary.
We just want to say that the fact is quite strange and restrictive to our community.
When, in support of our reasons, we say that we are, together with Spain, one of the largest community, we don't do it for being arrogant, but simply to show that if these sections are being closed for futility, in a large community these sections can lead to a significant exchange of opinions, so they are more than useful: if I say that a player is worth 100k, another argues that it is worth 50k, these two simple numbers can rise to a discussion on impacts, for example, that the skill jump shot may have on the market (example made by M.P.).
I really hope not to have misunderstood everything, writing a papyrus for nothing XD